Go to Digital Sense AI
Digital Sense AI
www.digitalsense.ai — Digital Sense is a custom-built AI and innovation R&D studio, with a groundbreaking world-class team of experts. We partner with innovative companies to solve complex challenges with state-of-the-art Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Image Proc
Note from the editor

Digital Sense is a Computer Vision and Machine Learning R&D studio that has a team of world-class experts with a unique technical and business perspective.

Go to the profile of Adrian Marques
Adrian Marques
Specialist in Satellite Imaging, AI and Computer Vision
Go to the profile of Andrea Mikhaloff
Go to the profile of Javier Preciozzi
Go to the profile of Alvaro Pardo
Alvaro Pardo
Co-founder http://dsensetech.com. Board member @ANIIuy. Full Prof. School of Engineering — Universidad Católica del Uruguay.
Go to the profile of Julieta García
Go to the profile of Nicolás Rondán
Go to the profile of Nicolás Mazza
Nicolás Mazza
MSc. R&D Engineer in Artificial Intelligence
Go to the profile of Luis Di Martino
Go to the profile of Tania Aguirre
Go to the profile of Sofía Zimmer
Go to the profile of Francisco Piriz
Francisco Piriz
Electrical Engineer, MSc in Massive Data Valorization; MSc in Research, Signal & Image Processing, and Embedded Systems. R&D Engineer at Digital Sense.
Go to the profile of Santiago Maximo
Santiago Maximo
MSc(c) in Data Science and Machine Learning. R&D Engineer at Digital Sense. Passionate about Natural Language Processing.
Go to the profile of Florencia Boccarato
Florencia Boccarato
R&D Assistant at Digital Sense. Electrical Engineering Student at Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Uruguay.
Go to the profile of Gastón Morales
Gastón Morales
Electrical Engineer, MSc(c) in Machine Learning and Image Processing. R&D Engineer at Digital Sense.