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Digital Asset Research
Digital Asset Research (DAR) provides independent, rigorous, credible cryptocurrency research, pricing, and market data for institutional investors.
Note from the editor

Digital Asset Research (DAR) provides independent, rigorous, credible cryptocurrency research, pricing, and market data for institutional investors.

Go to the profile of Digital Asset Research
Digital Asset Research
We rigorously vet out noisy inputs to deliver ‘clean’ crypto data that institutional clients can trust to inform their digital asset decisions.
Go to the profile of Marco Manoppo
Marco Manoppo
Research Director @DAR_crypto. Writing crypto, investing, venture building, strategy, and life musings. A pragmatic dreamer.
Go to the profile of Digital Asset Research
Digital Asset Research
We rigorously vet out noisy inputs to deliver ‘clean’ crypto data that institutional clients can trust to inform their digital asset decisions.