Go to digitalinterests
We are scholars of public interest technology. Can you imagine digital innovation that puts people first? Centered on human empowerment, informed by history, guided by theory, this is tech policy research for the rest of us.
Note from the editor

This is a multi-disciplinary lab affiliated with New York University. We believe digital innovation can empower, liberate, and transform human lives.

Go to the profile of digital interests
Go to the profile of Anne L. Washington, PhD
Anne L. Washington, PhD
computer scientist serving humanity as NYU data policy professor.
Go to the profile of Joshua Arrayales
Joshua Arrayales
Philosophy and Public Policy student at NYU. Aspiring Lawyer.
Go to the profile of HopeMuller
Wife. Mother. Mathematician.
Go to the profile of Nicole Contaxis
Nicole Contaxis
Data librarian
Go to the profile of David Morar
David Morar
tech policy