Latest MW Production Update (10.1.18)

Matt Rogers
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2018

A humongous update with the latest libraries, framework and fixes for our customers.

Approximately 60 Trello cards have been addressed.

A lot of the updates seen below are inherited from fixing OBA . Take a look at OBA’s changelog.

What’s New

  • No more “Oops!” error messages. From now on, when an error happens on the page, details of the problem is sent automatically to us developers. No personal information is collected.

New Account Settings

  • You can now toggle the landing page (site or user). Requested by @Matt_Rogers quite some time ago.
  • With the power of AWS technologies, we’ve improved the way we encode videos, audio and process images. It now faster, more reliable and handles 4K videos as well.
  • You can now see what’s being encoded from the admin dashboard.
  • This is part of the AWS Elastic Transcoder work, which saves us costs on processing uploaded audio and video to the correct format(s).
  • You can now create users via CSV from the site/user admin page.


  • Refine how thumbnails are generated.
  • Add “Close” button to the upload layer.
  • Updates to how EXIF data is read for images.
  • Gender / Date of Birth can be added for e-mail awarding.
  • New buttons to process a new CSV via User Main.
  • Present user’s full name as opposed to username when accepting an e-mail award.

Makewaves specific

  • The “Add Comment” is disabled until the user types in something.
  • Remove Reference as task evidence type
  • Guests and Makers will no longer see notification settings.
  • When audio/video is uploaded, an AWS notification is now sent to the Web API to track whether the job has been successful or failed.


  • Tidied up Web API.
  • Critical performance issues for API calls (affecting the iOS App)
  • Fixed issues when loading images on a badge submission.
  • Fixes for the “too many redirects” issue.
  • General fixes for uploading a new profile image.
  • General fixes for task support media and the media player.
  • Fix formatting issues caused by duplicate badges.
  • Amend the time taken to auto-refresh task support media.
  • An issue when adding evidence to a duplicate badge.
  • Addressed some connection errors caused internally.
  • Various fixes for badge e-mail awards.
  • Prevent a site from being listed if joining is not available
  • Fixed an issue where changing a username caused reset password to not work.
  • Ensure users assigned to managers appear in the Assigned to me column.
  • Ensure users cannot bypass the terms and conditions agreement when doing a “fast signup”.
  • Make dropdown menus more aware of their surroundings. (both vertically and horizontally)
  • Fixed an issue with MakeBadges.
  • Fix malformed layer for sending back badges.
  • Subscriptions
  • Fix attempts where a user could try and sign up for a Pro package for free.
  • Fix attempts where a user could attempt to obtain a free trial.
  • Prevent cancellation emails being sent repeatedly.
  • Prevent users from repeating a transaction.
  • Fixed an issue when signing up an offline package.
  • Ensure the packages page is refreshed to correctly state “Your Plan”
  • Fixed an issue where some cancelled subscriptions would not be cancelled at the end of their current subscription period.
  • When a subscription renewal was cancelled, the site was immediately reverted back to basic.

Makewaves specific

  • When out of badges on a free site, link to the packages page instead of Woofu form.
  • Prevent a free trial from being cancelled by accident.
  • Users can edit but not delete email field.1
  • Unable to add a post to a post-only task
  • Updated FancyBox to resolve an error when fullscreening image gallery.
  • Deleted users were incorrectly appearing in user list reports.
  • Correct the redirection after resetting a password via Forgotten Password.
  • An issue when processing date of birth for a CSV upload
  • Prevent the same note from being submitted multiple times.
  • “I agree” is better aligned and no longer bold.
  • Fixed a situation where the notes icon was stuck in the top-right corner.
  • Prevent support media disappearing after adding images when video was added first.
  • The upload layer now works in the Microsoft Edge browser.
  • When uploading a user profile image, both small and large profile images came in at the same time.
  • Fix for adding a post to a task evidence — either selecting one or creating a new one.
  • Fix distorted background when opening the People layer.
  • A user can now make their email empty.1

Technical Stuff

  • Upgraded to .NET Framework 4.7 and fixed any regressions this had caused.
  • Minification library replaced.
  • Updated many libraries to their newer version. Including:
  • FancyBox (produces dialogue boxes)
  • plupload (for uploading content)
  • Move all styling into one “source” file, and fixed any regressions this had caused.

