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Ep 58: Starting a Business without any Capital

Listen to this episode on iTunes here

In this episode I PLEAD with you to stop waiting for investment in our big idea before you get started, or waiting until you’ve saved up thousands until you’ll…

Ep 57: Being Specific

Listen to this episode on iTunes here

In all the digital nomad groups I’m in (and there are a lot of them) I find that most of the questions are super generic “how do I get started” “how do I make a shopify store” “what is the best place to…

Ep 54: Driving Traffic and Building an Audience

Listen to this episode on iTunes here

Today I’m going to talk about driving traffic to your business or sales funnel. It’s one of a big struggle some people have.

Ep 53: The Best Place to Start as a Digital Nomad

Listen to this episode on iTunes here

In today’s episode, I’m going to talk about the best place to start your life as a Digital Nomad.

Ep 47: How to Run a Giveaway (And why you’d want to)

Listen to this episode on iTunes here

In this Episode I’ll be talking about what my brain thinks of as my next project and what steps have I made to make it work.

EP 46: Choosing Empowering Beliefs

Listen to this episode on iTunes here

I honestly believe that everything in life comes down to which of these two beliefs you have. Some of them are empowering and some of them are not.

Ep 45: Keep it Simple

Listen to this episode on iTunes here

I think, a funnel is necessary for most businesses (not all businesses, but MOST of them.)

This podcast is a stream consciousness about keeping your funnels and your websites…