Team Omega Ω: A look behind the scenes of the Smart QR Code concept!

5 min readJan 7, 2019

It’s Team Omega Ω at your service where we’ll show you what we did during this productive 5th sprint.

Sprint 4 recap

“How do we playfully engage students so that they can give us feedback on their use of space?”

During the 4th sprint we made individual concepts based on this sprint goal. We created the following concepts: A Light Building, a Candy Dispenser, a Tinder feedback app and a Smart Cup. An in-depth explanation can be read in our previous blogpost:

At the end of the sprint, we combined our ideas to create a final concept that works with a moving QR-code with lights. You start with scanning the QR-code to download or open the feedback app.

Within the app, you answer a weekly feedback question (multiple choice) to receive a free cup of coffee as a reward. Each answer is color-coded where the lights on the QR code changes according to the choice of the users (for example: if most users pick option A with the blue color, the smart QR-code will have more blue lights).

Sprint 5

This sprint was solely focused on realizing the concept. So, the goal for this sprint is to create a minimum viable product. This product will be separated into 2 parts, 1 prototype for the client and 1 prototype for the DSS Exhibition.

Prototype for the HvA Facility Services:

- A native app that could be integrated in HvA’s existing app called MijnHvApp.

- A proof of concept of the Smart QR code.

- A product video to showcase the prototype.

- A research paper during the course of this project.

Prototype for the DSS exhibition:

- A webapp to show the basic principle of our concept.

- A product video to showcase the prototype.

- A screen that displays the most upvoted open-ended feedback.

Prototype for the HvA Facility Services

Native app: within the app you can fill in the weekly question, view the results of that question and swipe open-ended feedback in Tinder style (swiping left means disagreeing with the feedback and vice versa).

What’s left to do is change the design, so it fits HvA’s brand design and to frame the right questions to ask students.

A pop-up at the start within the native app that explains our concept
The weekly question
The weekly question results

Smart QR code

The smart QR code is still a work-in-progress. We laser cut the wood for the installation and spray-painted it.

Product video to showcase the prototype

The product video will be around 30–60 seconds. We sketched a storyboard where we show how our prototype works in practice.

Research paper during the course of this project

We are also working on a research paper where we combine all our research that we conducted during this project in one document (such as about the smart building and students). If you’d like to read this paper once its finished, please contact us through this post, by mail, Slack or directly at the Digital Society School office.

Prototype for the DSS exhibition

This sketch shows how our DSS exhibition booth will look like. The smart QR code in the middle will be our eyecatcher. The installation will visualize our weekly question data.

On the top right we will show our product video on a screen. The bottom left visualizes the open-ended feedback. Within the webapp you can vote/swipe feedback where the most liked feedback will be shown on the big screen. The size of the feedback that appears on the screen (in a bubble) depends on how many likes it received.


The webapp is solely focused on the exhibition and will have the same functionalities as the native app. We decided to make 2 apps because the application for the client won’t be engaging for the exhibition. We’ll change the weekly question to fit the exhibition and if you like to give open-ended feedback, you can give it about the exhibition itself instead of giving feedback about a study space on the HvA campus (which most visitors will be unfamiliar with).

The link to the webapp: (please open it on your phone because it is not compatible with desktop)

What’s left to do is make some design changes (such as font and colors), add a pie chart just like in the native app to show the weekly question results, create the Tinder feedback functionality and make a connection with the smart QR code so the lights show up according to the color-coded answers.

Next steps

- Finish the native app: adjust the design according to the HvA’s brand design, combine all functionalities together, cleaning up code and frame the right (weekly) questions to ask students.

- Finish the web app: by adjusting the font and colors, adding the pie chart, creating the Tinder feedback functionality and connecting it to the smart QR code installation.

- Make the screen that visualizes the open-ended feedback (Tinder feedback) for the exhibition.

- Finish the product video.

- Finish the research paper.

- User testing.

- Change/add functionalities according to the client’s needs.

Thank you for reading and see you in our final post!

Missed a post? Read our previous sprints here:

Sprint 1:

Sprint 2:

Sprint 3:

Sprint 4:

The Digital Society School is a growing community of learners, creators and designers who create meaningful impact on society and its global digital transformation. Check us out at

