1st Mint FAAPU DinoVox: details, dates and conditions

Published in
6 min readMar 20, 2024

Welcome to DinoVox Islands! As the roots of our community sink ever deeper into the fertile soil of FenuaVerse, the time has come to sow the seeds of our common future with the 1st mint FAAPU.

Prepare to experience a moment as historic for DinoVox as the PERMIAN mint, an event that promises to enrich the collective garden with new plots of land — or rather, certifications of ownership — in the vibrant world of DinoVox.

FAAPU, the land of DinoVox

The FAAPU , in our Tahitian vernacular, symbolizes the piece of land, the vegetable garden, and by extension the nourishing earth , a place of growth and development. Combined together, the FAAPU constitute a MOTU, an island.

At DinoVox, this takes on an even deeper dimension: to hold a FAAPU is to own a true fragment of the FenuaVerse , a certification of your place in this large ecosystem, at the crossroads of worlds, between technology and tradition.

DinoVox Island

Over time (and we are talking about an expansion over 3 decades, at least!), the archipelagos of the FenuaVerse will gradually be enriched with MOTUs.

But to all dino, all honor, the first MOTU that the FenuaVerse is preparing to welcome will be DinoVox Island … obviously!

This first historic FAAPU mint will thus concern plots of land located in the territory of DinoVox Islands.

What can you expect once you have your FAAPU?

Spoiler alert: it is very important to understand that this 1st mint of FAAPU will give you access to property certificates (1 per FAAPU) on the FenuaVerse.

Each of these certificates, in the form of an SFT (Semi-Fungible Token), corresponds to a plot of virtual land on DinoVox Islands.

It is equally important to be aware that the nature and rarity of the FAAPU are still kept secret, and will only be revealed when the MOTU DinoVox Islands emerges.

In other words, the “ reveal ” of the FAAPU, and the unveiling of their profound nature, will only take place at the time of the exploration of the first historical MOTU. When the time comes, FAAPU owners will have the opportunity to come and claim their territories on the MOTU DinoVox Islands.

Note now that this future takeover will operate according to certain rules, notably offering a very valuable tactical priority to the oldest FAAPU holders , or even to dinos holding a certain quantity of plots and wishing to combine them together. their ease.

In summary, the lucky saurians who own one or more FAAPU will be in possession of as many certificates of ownership allowing them, in accordance with the DinoVox roadmap, which you can consult here , to claim their piece of land on DinoVox Island.

In 1 GRAOU as in 100, each FAAPU therefore represents a unique act of ownership, registered on the blockchain.

Progress of the Mint FAAPU: GRAOU by GRAOU

  • Freemint (Mardi 2 avril)

A special first day starting at 7 p.m. CET, and offering for 24 hours to holders of DinoVox OG and DinoBox OG , a harvest privilege with 2000 FAAPU available at no cost, celebrating the pioneers of our digital era .

The rule is simple: 1 OG NFT in wallet = 1 FAAPU Freemint (and 10 OG = 10 freemint, etc.)

  • White List (Wednesday April 3) :

From 7 p.m. CET, each eligible wallet will be able to mint up to 20 FAAPU for 24 hours.

Holders of DinoVox and DinoBox OG as well as holders of DinoVox and DinoBox PERMIAN are eligible for the White List.

Tarif phase WL = 0.3 $EGLD

Supply : 4000 FAAPU au maximum

  • Public Sale (From Thursday April 4 to Saturday April 6) :

The general public is invited to join the FAAPU race at 7 p.m. CET with a price of 0.4 EGLD, with the opportunity to own their own piece of reality on DinoVox Island, until the 6,000 FAAPU made available are exhausted.

The place of mint? On the official DinoVox website.

Eligibility rules

A snapshot will be taken between March 20 and the opening of the mint, making it possible to determine the eligibility of the addresses (freemint and WL).

To be eligible, DinoVox and DinoBox OG and PERMIAN must be held in a non-custodial wallet. NFTs listed on marketplaces will be excluded from the snapshot.

Special case of Middle Staking:

As part of the partnership between DinoVox and Middle Staking , it was decided that holders who deposited their NFTs on the well-known platform would be integrated into the snapshot, without the need for de-staking .

In other words, if your DinoVox are comfortably installed with our partners, busy producing $MID tokens, you have nothing to do.

A few GRAOUs to keep in mind:

  • The FAAPU will have the features of a certificate of ownership , the design will be animated, but there will initially be no rarity or ranking between the different FAAPU.
  • These certificates will be sent in the form of SFT , there will be 6000 of them offered to the community. 400 additional SFTs are reserved for the DinoVox project for its operational needs
  • We also remind you that the maximum number of FAAPU offered in the WL and Public mint phases is limited to 20 plots per wallet and per phase.

Example : I hold 12 DinoVox Old Graou NFTs and 3 DinoVox PERMIAN NFTs in my wallet at the time of the snapshot

  • I am entitled to 12 Freemint from FAAPU on phase 1
  • I am WL on phase 2 and I can mint a maximum of 20 FAAPU
  • I can mint a maximum of 20 additional FAAPU during phase 3 of the Public Sale.

If you feel lost, the DinoVox staff is here to answer all your questions on our Discord . A GMA will also be organized the weekend before the mint, still on the community Discord.

Holding a FAAPU means much more than simple possession: it is an investment in the promised land of the FenuaVerse, a commitment to our beautiful community and above all the promise of free space in the FenuaVerse. So, let’s cultivate our GRAOU and see you from April 2 for a memorable event.

Some SO GRAOU links so you don’t miss anything:

Site internet DinoVox
Discord DinoVox
Compte X DinoVox

Don’t have a DinoVox NFT yet? Follow the guide , and go and adopt one on the secondary market .




Adopt a #NFT DinoVox, join the FenuaVerse community, land on a mysterious island and start building your adventure