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Tempat berbagi pengetahuan seputar pengembangan produk & industri digital.
Note from the editor

Kami membagikan artikel-artikel menarik tentang product development, product design & product management, serta informasi seputar industri digital lainnya. Kami berharap Anda bisa mendapatkan ilmu baru melalui artikel-artikel yang kami bagikan. Kami terbuka jika Anda berminat menjadi salah satu penulis.

Go to the profile of Auriga Aristo
Auriga Aristo
4+ years in Backend Developer | PHP, Java/Kotlin, MySQL, Golang | New story every week
Go to the profile of Maulana Ardiansyah
Maulana Ardiansyah
iOS Developer in EdTech Startup
Go to the profile of Ricky Austin
Ricky Austin
Currently undergraduate Informatics student. I have interest in Mobile Development while enjoying talking about future things
Go to the profile of Victor Wijaya Ngantung
Victor Wijaya Ngantung
Digital Product Enthusiast | linkedin.com/in/victorwijaya
Go to the profile of Faurel Gema
Faurel Gema
Public Speaker and S-Engineering Student with a deep interest in Data Engineer, AI and Web Programming. Also love to developing the digital business nowadays.