(Dis)Integration: Individual Voices From Our Forums

Center for Collaborative Journalism
Published in
1 min readMay 15, 2017
Kristy Freeman in our second forum at the Museum of Arts and Sciences in Macon, Ga.

Our project on race and education in Macon, Ga. has two tracks. On one side there are the reported stories. On the other side are our public forums in which we ask you the community to come and talk with us. You can find videos of those conversations, in total, here and here.

Those conversations are long, so here we’ve broken out shorter pieces. So have a listen, think about what you’ve heard, and tell us what you think in your own response.

Matt Odom On The Role Of Parents

Janae Dukes On White Flight

Kristy Freeman On Finding A School That Fits

Anthony Hill On Public vs. Private Schools

Bibb School Board Member Lester Miller

Ashley Axtel On Public Perceptions Of Public Schools

Julia Michener On Leaving Private Education

