What 52 things will Hiong do in 2016?

Discipline of Action
2 min readMay 13, 2016

This discipline of action project didn’t come about because of some life changing moment but through a series of small nudges. One of these nudges was coming across the MegaMaker Challenge launched by Justin Jackson.

The concept is pretty simple. Commit to creating something(s) this year, and then do it. The purpose being to commit more time to creating rather than consuming because as Justin says:

“Making things, and releasing them to the world, gives my life purpose.”

Justin has committed to making 100 things this year and I admire him for not only being brave enough to commit to such a great project, but also for inspiring countless others like me to follow suit.

There are 2 key differences between what Justin is attempting and what I am attempting.

  1. I’m committing to doing things (taking action) rather than making things (a subtle difference)
  2. I’m aiming for 52 things that I will take action on

So please, have a look at the list of What 52 things will Hiong do in 2016? and feel free to add your comments and follow my progress.

What does your list look like?



What is the Discipline of Action?

