Spring Issue: Best of Dialogue & Discourse

Ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy, political agendas, and scientific development.

D&D Editorial Team
Dialogue & Discourse
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3 min readMar 25, 2020


Strained Liquidity Conditions Compound Erratic Market Behavior

by Eric Song

“S&P 500 futures have decreased by nearly 90% since the first substantial indications of the Covid-19 pandemic hitting the equity market. The turmoil in liquidity is far more conspicuous than in 2008. For one, futures market drops reached roughly 60% on a date adjusted average. As noted previously, volatility indexes are peaking in the United States despite high government expenditures and other demand-side fiscal policies.”

Air Viscosity, Temperature and Inactivation of COVID-19

by Nicolus Rotich

“According to a 2010 study on SARS-CoV, at 4 degrees C, infectious viruses persisted for as long as 28 days, and the lowest level of inactivation occurred at 20% RH. Inactivation was more rapid at 20 degrees C than at 4 degrees C at all humidity levels; the viruses persisted for 5 to 28 days, and the slowest inactivation occurred at low RH.”

The Coronavirus Primaries: Democrats Risked Voters’ Lives As Pandemic Accelerated

by Kevin Gosztola

“Multiple states postponed their primaries before in-person voting took place on March 17. Rather than respect the fact that states were trying to protect the health of voters and poll workers, the Democratic National Committee threatened states with the loss of delegates if they did not hold their primaries before June 9.”

Coronavirus May Be Propelling America in to a Political Realignment.

by Lauren Martinchek

“While there is no denying that the leading Republican party officials overall are not nearly as enthusiastic to adopt these populist ideals, the fact that the most visible and important figurehead of their party is proposing these plans and at least acting as though he’s in favor of them is massive.”

Comparing the Impacts of SARS and COVID-19 on the Number of Visitors to Hong Kong

by E.Y.

“If you compare the impacts of SARS and COVID-19 on the passenger volume of Hong Kong International Airport (Figure 2), you will find that the magnitude of Feb 2020 is almost the same as that of SARS in Apr 2003. Since we have data only updated to February figures, and the pandemic situation is still intensifying, a second wave of spreading seems to be causing the number of confirmed cases rising, it may break the SARS record next month.”

How Quantum Computing Will Disrupt Your Industry

by Ryan Lam

“Quantum computing can be used to help stimulate these molecules in a reasonable time frame. Companies such as IBM are using quantum algorithms to simulate molecules by calculating the ground state of the molecule.”

RCV and Multiparty Democracy

by Dr. Paul Schimek

“Certainly the development of multiple political parties would, by definition, eliminate binary, polarized politics. And changing the rules to permit new and stronger political parties is, in my opinion, an essential reform. But the history of electoral reform shows that first you need multiple parties to promote changes to voting rules.”

