
No regrets… ever

definition of regret:

re·gret — r???ret/
1.feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity).

Highly recommended read — “The Martian”

I originally heard about “The Martianvia this tweet from Clay Bavor, a VP for Product at Google. As he wrote:

If you’re an engineer, you must read The Martian.
If you’re into space, you must read The Martian.

Life with my “distraction-free” phone

Earlier this summer I read two posts by Jake Knapp (a design partner at Google Ventures) about his “distraction free” iPhone: how he started it, and what it felt like a year later. In a nutshell, he found himself getting constantly distracted by his iPhone, and…

Knyttan: the newest, coolest, “printing” company

One of the companies in the current Techstars London batch just launched their website yesterday, Knyttan. They’ve got some of the most interesting/unique technology I’ve seen in a while: they turn current industrial knitwear looms as 3-D