Dispatch Dev Update 6–Testnet upgrades and dev tools

Testnet 2.1, NodeSDK, and our Hosho Security Audit

Zane Witherspoon
3 min readAug 14, 2018


Build a node and join the Dispatch Testnet!

Testnet 2.1

Tuesday Aug 7th, 2018 Dispatch launched our Testnet 2.1.0! This new version is focused mostly on upgrading the efficiency of transaction execution by delegates and LOTS of bug fixes. Here’s just some of the things that went into this new update:

Upgrades:* Added complete tx queue implementation with needed features* Update DVM Result with execution context* Changed log statements to debug level* Added leaf output to tree print in DVM* Add  a lot more meaningful error messages* Bubbling up the out of gas error and allow reasonable gas limit* Add Ability to query transactions by time* Added checks for transaction timestamps that are negative or in the future* Added http endpoint for dumping the gossip queue* Adding return of Tx.hash to TransferTokenBug Fixes:* Fixed tests and removed unused files from DVM

* Fixed GetStatus from non-delegate

* Fixed test cases and ignoring empty string for contract fields
* Fixed the connection pool issue and node configs* Fixed handling empty "to" value

* Fixed Delegates disappearing from cache

* Bug fix: infinite gossip NO MORE!

* Bug fix: Closing Delegate DB on exit


Just as exiting at Testnet 2.1 and probably more immediately useful to developers is our new Node.js SDK. Now you can program — in javascript — most of the core functionality of the Dispatch network. The Node SDK is officially live and downloadable via npm. The disnodeSDK is now the easiest way to do a lot of things like:

Image result for javascript node
Just don’t mix up node and ‘node’ and you’ll be fine 👍
  • Creating a Dispatch account
  • Sending Dispatch Divvys
  • Querying Transaction Statuses
  • Compiling & Deploying Solidity Smart-Contracts
  • Interacting with Deployed Smart-Contracts

We’re currently working on integrating the new Node SDK with our existing javascript projects, the Mobile Browser and Network Scanner. This is our most powerful dev tool to date, and we hope that you developers will get your hands dirty building something cool with it!

Hosho 3rd Party Security Audit

Our QA team has been on a rampage finding bugs and vulnerabilities for us, but we know that sometimes it’s hard to see the forest through the trees. After exploring many options for a 3rd party security auditor, we’ve officially engaged with Hosho security group. Hosho is the industry leader in blockchain security and has audited the work of organizations such as BeeToken, Deconet, and Vechain.

We’re currently in the early phases of our audit, but right on track to have the security of our network locked down by the planned Mainnet launch in November.

Don’t feel like reading? Here’s the cliffs-notes


  • We launched Testnet 2.1 with Delegate upgrades and lots of bug fixes
  • We’ve got a new NodeSDK dev tool for you to check out
  • We’ve engaged with Hosho for a 3rd Party Security Audit
  • On track to launch our Mainnet in November

If you’re excited about our updates give us a 👏 or a share. Have an opinion or feedback? We want to hear it. Join the conversation on Discord

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Zane Witherspoon

2x exited technical founder • Executive Director at Superset • Previously @DispatchLabsIO & @FathomPrivacy acquired by @Delphia