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Curated newsletter covering convergence at the Ledgerback Frontier (LF), the space between the present and future ages of humanity, as exemplified by social+ change fields such as Web3, Platform Cooperatives, Tools for Thought, & Effective Altruism, and the futures beyond the LF.
Note from the editor

Curated newsletter covering convergence at the Ledgerback Frontier (LF), the space between the present and future ages of humanity, as exemplified by social+ change fields such as Web3, Platform Cooperatives, Tools for Thought, & Effective Altruism, and the futures beyond the LF.

Go to the profile of Ledgerback Digital Commons Research Cooperative
Ledgerback Digital Commons Research Cooperative
Collectively-owned Nonprofit Information and Research Center
Go to the profile of Charles Adjovu
Go to the profile of Charles Adjovu
Go to the profile of Jack Smye