Idea: Pending review Stories appear in a separate section on the Stories view & tap on each to view then tap to approve to publish to your Story or tap to delete to not post to your Story (#132)

Purpose is to enable people to allow contributors to submit Stories for your consideration to post. Use cases include media organizations, sports teams, businesses, and more where the people who are part of a group can contribute to a main account so that people can see what people are sharing in a group.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
4 min readApr 27, 2016


Start on Stories view, tap to expand the Contributor Pending Stories, tap on first one then swipe down then tap to Post which publishes to your Story, then tap on the second pending Story and tap to third pending Story and tap to fourth pending Story then swipe down then tap to not post the second and third pending Stories, then tap to post the fourth pending Story which causes the pending Stories row to go away. Then tap to expand My Story and tap on the first Story which you had just approved to post and is now available to people who follow your Story. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Press release:

  • Title: Review contributions to your Story
  • Introduction: Brands, media organizations, sports teams, and more can receive Stories submitted by contributors given access to share to the Story, and decide whether to approve to share or not share. It’s simple, enables including a lot more in your Story from a range of people, and gives you control over what is published.

Snapchat & account sharing today:

  • There are geo Stories that people in a geo can submit to then an editor decides which Stories are included.
  • There are accounts such as for media organizations or sports teams where there may be some account sharing to let multiple people share to Snapchat.
  • Some accounts such as for basketball teams in the NBA show practices, some interviews, some timeouts as part of games, and more.

Proposed idea:

  1. Start on Stories view. Tap on the three circles to the right of “Contributor Pending Stories (4)” which shows the 4 Stories posted by contributors waiting for your reviewing to decide whether to post or not.
  2. Tap on “…Story here 1” then swipe down when done, and then tap “Post.” Note that after posting there is an annotation showing the name of the contributor to your Story and the thumbnail updated to show the thumbnail of what you just posted because that post was originally posted earlier than any other posts in your Story.
  3. Tap on Story here 2, then tap to Story here 3, then tap to Story here 4, then swipe down.
  4. Then tap “X” next to Story here 2 and “X” next to Story here 3 to not publish both.
  5. Then tap to post Story here 4. Note that My Story went up to count 4 and shows “Some by 2 contributors.”
  6. Tap the three circles next to My Story to expand. Note the 2 Stories you approved to post, and the 2 Stories that were posted earlier by your account.


  • Opportunity is to make review simple and encourage sharing a lot of content to main Stories.
  • Perhaps a basketball team could have even more posts to share including from players and more people on the team, in addition to the current summaries of what’s happening at practice.
  • When you approve a contributor’s Story, then that Story appears for 24 hours from when you approve. That way there is still an opportunity for 24 hours for people who look at your account to view the post. The post is included as original post date and indicates that time.
  • Note that the contributor’s name appears on the Story you are reviewing, and on the Stories that are published.
  • See idea 131 showing adding someone as a contributor to your Story and submitting to a Story you are a contributor:
  • Alternative to showing the name of the contributor in the Story is to have a setting to not include the name.
Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

