Idea: Section on Stories view to see public Stories reshared by friends in chronological order of sharing or tap/swipe to see which friends reshared 4.20.2016 (#124)

Purpose is to enable people to share what they are enjoying and to try to not disrupt the experience of viewing Stories and so keep the focus on Stories view being about who posted about their day.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
4 min readApr 21, 2016


Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Press release:

Title: A row for Shares

Introduction: View what your friends have reshared in a row on Stories. Simply tap to view in order of friends who have most recently reshaped. Tap to advance to the next reshared by that friend, or swipe to see what the next friend reshared, just like Stories. Then swipe down to see the list of all friends in Shares, and you can swipe back to return to Stories.

Snapchat & live video today:

  • You can post to your Story but this requires using the camera in the Snapchat app.
  • There are some third-party apps for uploading to your Story from your camera roll.
  • There are some third-party apps that download the Stories of particular people on Snapchat to view on the third-party sites such as celebrity users.
  • You can screenshot Stories to save and the content maker can see how many screenshots were made.
  • You can long-press in Discover such as on a sports channel or elsewhere to then share to friends using chat.
  • There’s no ability to share posts that were public so friends can view. A benefit to not showing shares is to focus Snapchat on making posts about your day, as well as to focus on privacy of a user watching the Story of any given user.
  • Facebook News Feed sometimes shows public or friend of friend posts that were liked/loved/commented on/etc by one of your friends. And so your actions on posts can be surfaced to more people, which is nice to share with friends, and other times you may have preferred for the interaction to be private.

Proposed idea:

  1. Start on Stories view. Tap the “List” link to see the list view of the Shares view which are all the Stories reshared by friends in order of most recently posted. Note that people who have reshared more than once that is available to view has 3 circles on the right side.
  2. Tap the three circles to expand to see the 3 reshares by the person, then tap on the person to view the reshared Stories. Note the person who originally posted appears in the upper left, and your friend is in the lower left. Any chatting goes to the friend who posted.
  3. Tap to advance through the posts and returning to the Shares view shows “Chat” for each post, so you can tap on any one to use that particular reshare as context such as if you want to also share that particular reshare, as shown in idea 123:
  4. Tap to return to Stories view, and then tap on the Shares row which opens to the most recent post. You could tap to advance through, but in this case swipe to advance a couple times to see different reshares by a friend each swipe.


  • Opportunity is to encourage sharing posts by other people to help with discovery.
  • Friends’ Shares section is only one row to try to not emphasize too much while still making easy to tap to then view Shares.
  • The three circles indicates that you can tap to expand to see all of the shares done by that person.
  • Ordered chronologically by when the friend reshaped.
  • Alternatively, order chronologically by when the person who posted the Story as first.
  • Ability to tap to see a list of Friends’ Shares to focus on a particular friends.
  • Ability on Friends’ Shares list view to tap on the three circles to expand the list of all of the shares to see who the person who originally posted. Ability there to long press to see information about the person including to follow the person.
  • Note that the row on the Stories view only shows the thumbnails in one row so you can tap to view in chronological order of the shares, or you can tap to see the list view.
  • Closing the shares if you entered from Stories view returns you to Stories view. Closing the shares if you entered from the list view on the Shares view returns you to Shares view.
  • A reason to go to Shares view first is perhaps some quicker context of who shared what and who the original poster was.
  • Note that on shares that the person who originally posted appears in the upper left, and the person who shared appears in the lower left, and that swiping up to chat goes to the person who shared.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

