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Django Musings
Django Musings
My personal notes and thoughts on Django Web Development
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Customizing the Django Admin site

Django’s official doc here

Let’s start by saying that Django’s admin site is spectacular. It can literally save you months of work, but having said that, one thing that one needs to understand is that Django’s admin site is only ok as an…

The Multiple Settings Files Pattern

I read this first in Two Scoops of Django a while back.

When we start working with Django we learn fast that we’ll need to use some settings values to run the app in development mode, and some other setting values for when we deploy the app…

Starting with django-rest-framework

Django-Rest-Framework doc here.

Let’s say that you want to create a REST API and you want to use rest_framework, here is what you need to know to start using it right away (BTW you can also read their official tutorial, here).

Django’s Hooks and Signals

Django doc here.

Sometimes you want to do something in your webapp as a response to an event that occurred elsewhere.

For instance. You might want that each time a model is saved to execute an action or update a different model.

Integration Testing on Django

Django’s testing doc is here.

Django provides out-of-the-box many tools to do automated testing. You can build unit-tests, run them with “python manage.py tests” (even though I would ask why don’t you use an IDE like PyCharm) and Django will do…