Do It All! 5 Tips from Yasmine and Other Real-Life Women Superheroes

VEON Careers
Djezzy Careers
Published in
8 min readApr 25, 2018


Do you dream of being a superhero?

Everyone does, of course. But we’re not talking about Batman, Catwoman, or Wonder Woman. We’re talking about being a real-life superhero.

Yasmine, a Data Services Engineer at Djezzy, has been working to be like a real-life superhero for some time. During her university studies till today, she has been organizing events to help children and elderly folks in the hospital.

“One time I visited an ill child who had been really sad for a long time. We had a party to lift his spirits. We hired a clown and had balloons and music. He started smiling and laughing, ” warmly recalls Yasmine.

“This experience has motivated me to do as much as I can to give back throughout my career,” attests Yasmine.

Now, that’s inspiring, isn’t it? During our chat with Yasmine, we learn more about being the best you can be while helping others (i.e. being a real-life superhero).

Let’s begin…

1. Set the clock to your time

Grace Hopper

“Humans are allergic to change. They love to say, ‘We’ve always done it this way.’ I try to fight that. That’s why I have a clock on my wall that runs counter-clockwise.” — Grace Hopper, a pioneer in computer programming.

Without a doubt, Grace Hopper is a legend. She was one of the lead programmers of the first large-scale digital computer, the Harvard Mark 1, and the inventor of the first computer language compiler. Her work led to the development of COBOL, a high-level programming language, in the late 1950s.

Needless to say, Grace Hopper pushed back against the hurdles in front of her. She set the clock in the direction she wanted.

This is something Yasmine strives to consistently do in her work and life. That’s why she entered the computer science field.

“I chose to become an engineer because I’ve always like playing with the computer. There are no limits on what you can create. I got inspiration from friends and family who were engineers. They showed me the cool things you could do in the field,” exclaims Yasmine.

This desire to go after what you want also convinced Yasmine to join Djezzy.

“It’s a huge company where I know I can learn a lot and make a lot happen. This is where I can build my career into something I want.”

Yasmine and VEON friends

2. No woman is an island

Radia Perlman

In engineering, the point is to get the job done, and people are happy to help. You should be generous with credit, and you should be happy to help others.” — Radia Perlman, inventor of the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) for the internet

The internet wouldn’t be where it is today without Radia Perlman. Yet she is the first to tell you that her achievements came not just from her hard work and brilliant mind, but also collaborations with colleagues.

For Yasmine, teamwork plays a very important role. It’s what’s needed to make Djezzy better for its customers.

“I always stress working well with others. Without a team, there’s no execution. You must have the right people and right team to do big things. Team collaboration is important to achieve goals,” affirms Yasmine.

Yasmine took this mindset to VEON Digithon in Armenia. Her team crafted a solution to enhance the VEON messaging app.

“We were teamed up with colleagues from different operating countries at Digithon. Communication and collaboration skills became very crucial to success. It was all about getting ourselves to work as a cohesive team. We did a good job, and ended up taking third place.”

Yasmine at the VEON Digithon in Armenia

3. Inspiration is your superpower: Show others how to break barriers

Jean Liu

“My father said one thing that has stayed with me: ‘It’s supposed to be hard.’ When you have that mentality, you find nothing is so difficult. It’s supposed to be hard. Then you actually start to enjoy it and have fun.” — Jean Liu, president of Didi Chuxing.

Jean Liu highlights an important point: Work and life isn’t a walk in the park. But as long as you continually find inspiration, you can overcome challenges and have fun striving for your goals.

Similarly, Yasmine gets inspiration from people around her, especially her mom and aunt. It’s what fuels her to work hard for her dreams.

“My aunt studied architecture abroad and became a Vice President in the United States. I know of people that dare to do great things. That motivates me,” tells Yasmine.

Yasmine and the winning teams in Kiev tour

Both at Djezzy and outside the office, Yasmine recognizes she must use her resources and skills to enact change. It’s her duty.

As a woman in tech, Yasmine also recognizes the role she must play for other aspiring engineers. That’s why she hosts workshops through the Google Developers Group (TIPAZA) in the area and other organizations. They often have events and conferences for young engineers:

“At the Women Techmakers Tipaza ( which is part of Google Developers Tipaza) we usually organize a big event for International Women’s day which is an important moment to recognize how women have influenced the tech industry. In addition, we hold conferences and invite successful women from the tech field to give talks and offer career advice and tips for success. We encourage interaction and like to set up mentor-mentee type relationships. We also use social media to spread confidence and awareness of opportunities in tech for the young generation,” describes Yasmine.

At the Google Developers Group

If you ask Yasmine about what she wishes she could be if she wasn’t an engineer, you get an answer that reflects her desire to help people.

“I would have studied medicine and became a doctor. That’s why I do charity at hospitals. You can directly help people and it’s truly amazing.”

4. Don’t get stuck on the wall

“There is no perfect fit when you’re looking for the next big thing to do. You have to take opportunities and make an opportunity fit for you, rather than the other way around. The ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have.” Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook

Sheryl Sandberg’s quote details how you can avoid becoming stagnant. If you continually learn, the road ahead stays open.

Ask Yasmine about why Djezzy makes for a great place to work. She’ll echo this idea.

“You can learn and develop yourself. You can build your skills as you help the company,” says Yasmine.

This idea of continual improvement is something Yasmine would stress to her younger (that is, if she could go back in time).

“I would tell my childhood self this: ‘Never give up. Learn and work towards your dreams. Along the way, help people. Love people and love life.’”

5. Take a digital detox

I’ve taken Saturdays to be the day I pull back completely. I do things that are more creative, and I’ve actually found that helps me when I get back into work to be more thoughtful, and I truly believe that feeding your creative soul is really important to being more analytical.” Padmasree Warrior, CEO of NIO (US) and former exec at Cisco

Padmasree Warrior highlights the importance of taking time for yourself. Even superheroes need time to rest, enjoy family, walk in the forest, or go on a vacation to space (yes, you can do that).

“To take a break from work, I like to cook, travel, and read. My favorite place I’ve visited is Rome. Right now, I’m reading All Those Things We Never Said, a great book about family connections and life,” says Yasmine.


Yasmine also makes time for family. Because nothing is more important.

“I remember traveling to the beach with my cousins during childhood. Today, I love cooking for the family and traveling with them. Gathering together during the holidays is wonderful.”

Enjoying time outside the office is something Yasmine emphasizes to others. Because when you come back, you’ll be in even better shape to make great things happen.

“A work-life balance is absolutely necessary in the fast-paced tech field. Take care of yourself so you can do better for others.”

Go be all that you can be

Hopefully, these fivetips from Yasmine and other women superheroes in tech and engineering have inspired you. Now, go do all that you can while helping others along the way. Have a wonderful journey. There’s no telling where you’ll go.



VEON Careers
Djezzy Careers

At VEON, we know much of the world counts on us (10% and growing). We know that sitting down and being complacent with the status quo just isn’t an option.