Go to Do Dream
Do Dream
The first bi-lingual publications on the platform. Real-life stories from dream-chasers that are meant to be inspiring, authentic, and emotional. 全球首個中英雙語刊物,搜羅追夢者最真實的故事去啟發大家。
Note from the editor

The first bi-lingual publications on the platform. Real-life stories from dream-chasers that are meant to be inspiring, authentic, and emotional. 全球首個中英雙語刊物,搜羅追夢者最真實的故事去啟發大家。

Go to the profile of Anthony Ao
Anthony Ao
iGEM Munich 23’ | Antler Nordics 22’ | UC San Diego 17’ | A serial entrepreneur and an oncologist. I write about startups, and my understanding about life.