#TheAtomicSpreadOut — ChainLayer

Andra Georgescu
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2020

Hello there Cosmos citizens and welcome to The Atomic Spread Out. We’re here to convince you to diversify your delegations and redelegate to include smaller validators.

We’ve decided to showcase small validators that we trust and give you a better sense of who they are and why they deserve your delegations.

If you want to learn more about it and why Dokia Capital redelegated 4 million Atoms to smaller validators in order to help decentralize the Hub’s voting power: click-click

We’ve got a great validator for you today, so let’s go!

ChainLayer is a staking service provider from The Netherlands. They joined the Cosmos ecosystem shortly after the mainnet launch and their contributions have revolved around automation and optimizing validator setups and security. With a background in military, telecommunications and banking, it’s safe to say that this validator doesn’t take security lightly.

Why should you consider delegating to ChainLayer?

Some Key Points:

  • Never slashed
  • Uptime: 100%
  • Commission: 10%
  • Voting Power: 0.83%
  • Active participation in Governance
  • Focused on: Security

A contribution that is worth knowing about ChainLayer is that they developed QuickSync, a tool that helps validators bootstrap their validator infrastructure quickly and easily.

How it works:

ChainLayer makes regular snapshots of most networks they are validating on, and publishes them for users and other validators to download.

Then, using QuickSync, you don’t have to sync the chain from scratch but only the blocks since the snapshot was taken.

ChainLayer has received a grant from Terra to further improve the QuickSync proposition, allowing them to make daily snapshots and offer them on a 10gbit dedicated connection. ChainLayer is looking to expand this functionality into other networks as well.

So you see, the stats are just a criteria amongst many. When choosing a validator make sure to know more than their commission and overall validating history.

Context will make the difference between a good choice and great choice. So let’s pass the mic to ChainLayer to give you a better sense of who they are and what they stand for.

What is your main differentiator as a validator?

ChainLayer: With our backgrounds in the military, telecommunications and banking we immediately saw that we were well equipped to become validators and provide security and stability to the Hub.

So our main differentiator has to be our experience with complex, highly available and highly connected systems. Pouring our resources into ChainLayer has paid off and made us a reliable and competent validator.

Why should ATOM holders redelegate to ChainLayer?

Chain Layer operates one of the most secure and reliable validation setups available. With ChainLayer you can be sure that we do everything in our power to guarantee you the best ROI you can get. There are many reasons to choose a validator, but if you prioritize security above all, we’re a great choice.

How active are you when it comes to governance?

ChainLayer: We always participates in Governance. Whenever a vote needs a good reasoning, we make sure to communicate it to our delegators on our Telegram channel. We’re active in the governance of all the networks in which we validate, because we consider this a very important aspect of decentralisation.

A good example of our engagement is the fact that we’ve been asked to join Kava’s stability committee to help oversee the day-to-day operations.

How have you contributed to the Cosmos ecosystem?

ChainLayer: Considering our expertise, our focus has been mainly on helping networks and other validators improve their setups and security.

We’ve build open source monitoring tools, automation scripts and ledger delegation widgets to help validators improve their setups and make it easier to attract delegators. Our Quicksync snapshots allow validators to quickly download a fresh copy of a network to start up a new validator or sentry

What should delegators expect from you ?

ChainLayer: Our slogan is “Simply because we care”. And we do care about the networks we are validating on. We are active in all the communities to help out further secure those networks.

We recently became a member of the European Blockchain Associations Staking Working Group to help European Legislators see the importance of good regulations for delegators and validators alike.

We are very active in the Oracle market being on of the top node operators on Chainlink and running oracles on Kava and Terra. We strongly believe in DeFi becoming a new standard and replacing traditional finance and we focus on networks that aim to make that possible.

We consider ChainLayer a rock solid partner for any ATOM holder looking to diversify their delegations, and we encourage you to redelegate and join #TheAtomicSpreadOut!

You can connect with them here:

The Atomic Spread Out

The Cosmos Network is comprised of many hardworking people, all working together for the same goal. We want to give a stronger voice to those that make up our community and encourage delegators to reconsider their delegation strategy.

What can you do about it?

Wanna join #TheAtomSpreadOut ? Put your ATOMs to work and redelegate to smaller validators. It will help make the Hub more robust and will support hardworking validators that make the network a safe and reliable environment.

If you’re an ATOM holder consider diversifying your delegations to include smaller validators. In order to help you in this decision-making process we will continue to showcase smaller validators that deserve your delegations.

We will be selecting validators with less than 1% voting power, that have never been slashed and maintain excellent uptime. #TheAtomicSpreadOut



Andra Georgescu
Editor for

Sugar, spice and everything nice @DokiaCapital | Co-founder @distrikt