#TheAtomicSpreadOut — Easy2Stake

Andra Georgescu
Published in
4 min readJul 21, 2020

On the 29th of June, Dokia Capital redelegated 4 million ATOMs to smaller validators that perform well and have consistently contributed to this ecosystem.

Now we want to convince you to join us in our mission to decentralize the Hub’s voting power and put your $ATOMs to work in a more decentralized and distributed way.

Dokia Capital leads by the power of its own example with #TheAtomSpreadOut, by putting their “ATOMs where their values are” and transferring their trust value towards smaller validators. They’ve always promoted the equality of chances and rewarded hardworking teams in this space. — Liviu Nica @Easy2Stake

If you want to learn more about why we decided to redelegate most of our stake: click-click

So in order to help you decide on which small validator is best suited for your own #AtomSpreadOut, we’ve decided to showcase validators that we trust, and give you a better sense of who they are and why they deserve your delegations.

Today we’ll be covering Easy2Stake, so let’s go!

The team behind Easy2Stake has been in the blockchain space since 2017. With a background in security, networking and project management, they easily transitioned from Proof of Work networks (where they were building and administrating mining rigs), to validating on Proof of Stake networks.

Why should you consider delegating to Easy2Stake?

Some Key Points:

  • Never slashed
  • Uptime: 100%
  • Commission: 10%
  • Voting Power: 0.21%
  • Active participation in Governance
  • Focused on: Reliability

But the reason doesn’t lie in those metrics. Easy2Stake is one of the most hardworking validators on the Cosmos Hub. They have shown consistency in providing stability and security for their delegators. If you’re looking for a validator that’s serious and reliable, look no further!

Context will make the difference between a good choice and great choice, so let’s pass the mic to Easy2Stake to give you a better sense of who they are and what they stand for.

When and why did Easy2Stake join the Cosmos ecosystem?

Joining Game of Stakes was our first interaction with the Cosmos project, and it started as a challenge for a single person — Liviu Nica. The creation of Easy2Stake was deeply rooted in his passion for technological innovation and the blockchain community.

Engaging with GOS came pretty naturally and Liviu was named one of the winners of #neverjailedcrew. Two months later Easy2Stake was born, and we joined Cosmos as a validator on the Hub.

What is your main differentiator as a validator?

Our team has a cumulative, multilevel technical and managerial experience in IT, with proficiencies in networking, Linux administration, datacenter design and virtualization technologies. We’re certified in domains such as security, networking and project management.

Our team has been supporting blockchain networks since 2017, when we were building and administrating mining rigs for Proof of Work protocol. This experience gives us an in-depth understanding of how networks operate and what they need to be successful.

Our fully dedicated validator service is:

  • currently active in multiple PoS validating networks,
  • continuously improving our infrastructure and tools,
  • always looking after the best outcome for our delegators.

Why should ATOM holders redelegate to Easy2Stake?

We pride ourselves with being a stable and reliable partner when it comes to delegations. We have a long-lasting track record of strong security and zero failures.

There are many validators that rise to high standards and are doing a great job of maintaining their infrastructure secure, and Easy2Stake is no exception. But we’re also a good choice for delegating because of how we step up to our other responsibilities as a validator. We have a quick reaction time to events in a space that is super dynamic, we’re always active in governance and we make sure to provide support to community members whenever we believe that we could add value to the conversation.

How active are you when it comes to governance? Please give us more details about your approach to governance

We took part in all the governance processes and decisions of Cosmos’ ecosystem and we took a special care to analyse all the technical proposals on behalf of our delegators.

Every governance topic is debated within our team and after understanding the possible outcomes of the proposal, we take a decision and vote accordingly. We have a responsibility to act in their best interest and keeping them informed of how governance decisions can affect them.

What should delegators expect from you ?

We have always strived to be a reliable and trusted validator, and we believed that our activity reflects those values. We’re committed to constantly improving ourselves and our infrastructure.

The next step for us is to give back to the Cosmos community, and we will focus our attention towards accessibility. We’re planning to live up to our name and offer easy access to useful tools that will benefit validators and delegators alike.

We consider Easy2Stake a solid and reliable partner for any ATOM holder looking to diversify their delegations, and we encourage you to redelegate and join #TheAtomicSpreadOut!

You can connect with Easy2Stake here:

The Atomic Spread Out

The Cosmos Network is comprised of many hardworking people, all working together for the same goal. We want to give a stronger voice to those that make up our community and encourage delegators to reconsider their delegation strategy.

What can you do about it?

Wanna join #TheAtomSpreadOut ? Put your ATOMs to work and redelegate to smaller validators. It will help make the Hub more robust and will support hardworking validators that make the network a safe and reliable environment.

If you’re an ATOM holder consider diversifying your delegations to include smaller validators. In order to help you in this decision-making process we will continue to showcase smaller validators that deserve your delegations.

We will be selecting validators with less than 1% voting power, that have never been slashed and maintain excellent uptime. #TheAtomicSpreadOut!



Andra Georgescu
Editor for

Sugar, spice and everything nice @DokiaCapital | Co-founder @distrikt