Fiction — Romance — Vampires — LGBTQ

Sanguine Sincerity — Chapter One

Fiction Story — Romance — Thriller


Catch up: Prologue.

Alternately, the explicit version of Sanguine Sincerity is now available in bookstores.

Official Sanguine Sincerity artwork by Kemvee — Copyright Celinka Serre and Binky Ink

Warnings: Language, Mature Sexual Subject Matter, Violence, Blood.

The silence was both terrifying and soothing at the same time. Liam closed his eyes and leaned against the brick wall as he stood outside the club. It had been busy, with people dancing, shouting, laughing, all drunkenly. Now, the stillness of the winter night dampened whatever sounds came from the boulevard a few streets down.

This was where he had often stood with Julian after their work shifts, talking, laughing, kissing, and making plans for their future together. But Julian was gone, left before dawn a few nights after they had declared their love for each other, left without a word or explanation. Only a scribble on a sticky note saying, ‘I have to leave. I’m sorry.’

It hurt, it still did, even after all these weeks. Julian had never called or answered Liam’s calls or texts after that night; Julian had simply disappeared from Liam’s life. Liam didn’t understand why — he thought they’d been happy.

