
Conflict of Interest

Do we have protections against those who exploit their position of power to influence city decisions in favor of relatives? By Amal Solh Kabbani.

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Downtown NEWS


A conflict of interest involves any action, inaction, or decision by a public official or public employee in the discharge of his or her official duties which would materially affect his or her financial interest or those of his or her family members, relatives, friends, or any business with which the person is associated in a direct or indirect manner.

Do the City of Miami and Miami Dade County have the proper guardrails in place to protect its constituents from the OVERT and shameless abuse that we are experiencing? Do we have protections against those who exploit their position of power to influence city and potentially county decisions in favor of “Auntie” rather than the well-being of the residents and the safeguard of our city properties?

If those guardrails are in place, now is the time to escalate to the FBI. If they are not in place, now is the time to sponsor a referendum/legislation and get it passed.

I will be dedicating time and energy to research this issue and fix it immediately! Corruption perpetuates only when citizens remain indifferent, and when it comes to corruption, a common denominator is always a conflict of interest.

Amal Solh Kabbani. Photo, Niels Johansen.

Amal Solh Kabbani, President, Downtown Neighbors Alliance.

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