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Dr Laura L. Walsh
Heterodox psychology — reframing for when you’re stuck.
Note from the editor

I’ve got a lot to say and at some point, I just decided to say it imperfectly. You see, I’ve a recovering perfectionist. I’d really like all parts of anything I create to be marvelous. Often, they are average but I occasionally shine. I’m hoping to bring you the parts that reliably shine. I’m a clinical psychologist and I love my work. I’ve been doing this gig for about a decade and in the field for about a decade more. I find people, brains, motivation, behavior, reason and logic to all be FASCINATING. I am a continual student of life. I consider myself to be in ‘draft mode’ in that I may have a number of thought out opinions but a well reasoned argument will sway me. I pride myself both on my emotional intelligence and my ability to reason. I hope these qualities singularly and in cumulative, appeal to you as well.

Go to the profile of Laura L. Walsh, PsyD
Laura L. Walsh, PsyD
Psychologist, deep thinker, armchair philosopher. Writing what I know about life, widowhood, grief and suicide from the inside out at drlauralwalsh.com
Go to the profile of Laura L. Walsh, PsyD
Laura L. Walsh, PsyD
Psychologist, deep thinker, armchair philosopher. Writing what I know about life, widowhood, grief and suicide from the inside out at drlauralwalsh.com