Best Local SEO Experts in the World

The Top Local SEO Experts Worldwide: Finding the Best in the Business

Atif Sharif
Doctor of  SEO
5 min readJan 15, 2024


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Best Local SEO Experts
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My name is Atif Sharif and I am a SEO expert from Pakistan.

I have been working in the field of SEO for over 7 years, helping businesses grow their online presence and reach their target audience.

In this blog post, I will share with you my journey of becoming one of the best local SEO experts in the world, and how you can learn from my experience and tips.

What is Local SEO and Why is it Important?

Local SEO is the process of optimizing your website and online presence for a specific geographic area, such as a city, state, or country.

Local SEO helps you rank higher on search engines like Google and Bing for keywords that are relevant to your location and industry.

For example, if you are a dentist in New York, you want to rank for keywords like “dentist in New York”, “best dentist in New York”, or “New York dental clinic”.

Local SEO is important because it helps you attract more local customers who are looking for your products or services.

According to a study by Google, 46% of all searches have a local intent, meaning that people are searching for something near them. Moreover, 88% of consumers who do a local search on their smartphone visit or call a store within a day.

Therefore, if you want to increase your visibility, traffic, and conversions, you need to invest in local SEO.

How I Became One of the Best Local SEO Experts in the World

I started my career as a web developer, creating websites for various clients.

However, I soon realized that having a website is not enough to succeed online.

You also need to optimize it for search engines and users, so that they can find you and trust you.

That’s when I decided to learn more about SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

I enrolled in several online videos and read many blogs on the topic.

I also joined some online communities and forums where I could interact with other SEO professionals and learn from their insights and feedback.

I started applying what I learned to my own website and my clients’ websites, and saw positive results.

However, I wanted to take my skills to the next level and become an authority in the field.

That’s why I decided to create my own LinkedIn profile, where I could showcase my portfolio, achievements, testimonials, and recommendations.

I also started writing blog posts on various aspects of SEO, such as keyword research, content creation, link building, technical SEO, analytics, etc.

I shared my blog posts on Medium, LinkedIn and other social media platforms, where I could reach a wider audience and generate more engagement.

By doing this, I was able to establish myself as a credible and trustworthy source of information and advice on SEO.

I also received inquiries and referrals from potential clients who were impressed by my work and reputation. I was able to grow my business and expand my network of contacts.

Today, I am proud to say that I am one of the best local SEO experts in the world. I have helped some of businesses achieve their online goals and increase their revenue.

How You Can Become One of the Best Local SEO Experts in the World

If you want to follow my footsteps and become one of the best local SEO experts in the world, here are some tips that can help you:

Learn as much as you can about SEO and digital marketing

There are many resources available online that can teach you the basics and advanced techniques of SEO. You can also take some courses or certifications that can validate your knowledge and skills.

Practice what you learn on your own website or your clients’ websites.

  1. The best way to learn SEO is by doing it. You can experiment with different strategies and methods and see what works best for your niche and audience.
  2. Track your progress and results using tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Moz, Ahrefs, etc. These tools can help you measure your performance and identify areas of improvement.
  3. Keep yourself updated with the latest trends and changes in SEO and digital marketing. The world of SEO is constantly evolving and you need to stay on top of it. You can follow some blogs, podcasts, newsletters, or influencers that can keep you informed and inspired.
  4. Network with other SEO professionals and experts. You can join some online communities or groups where you can exchange ideas, tips, feedback, or opportunities with other people who share your passion for SEO.
  5. Showcase your work and achievements on your LinkedIn profile or your own blog. This can help you build your personal brand and reputation as a local SEO expert. You can also use these platforms to share your knowledge and insights with others who might benefit from them.
  6. Be consistent and persistent in your efforts. Becoming one of the best local SEO experts in the world is not an overnight success. It takes time, hard work, dedication, and patience. You need to keep learning, practicing, and improving your skills and results.

I hope you found this blog post helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me on my LinkedIn profile or leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you and help you with your local SEO needs.

SEO & PPC Expert, Content Writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results. Contact me:



Atif Sharif
Doctor of  SEO

SEO & PPC Expert, Content Writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results. Contact me: