Go to Drama Club
Drama Club
Words written to be scene. Drama Club is a stage for playwrights, screenwriters, comedy writers, TV and web series writers to share work.
Note from the editor

Submit excerpts, scenes, short plays, short films, monologues, teleplays, comedy sketches and other dramatic prose via email.

Go to the profile of Ernio Hernandez
Ernio Hernandez
Writer-Artist ✍ Contact: ernio.com →in New Yorker: http://bit.ly/NYernio Find @ernio_art →on Instagram: http://bit.ly/eh-art License →via CartoonCollections.com
Go to the profile of Tom Farr
Tom Farr
Tom is a writer and high school English teacher. He loves creating and spending time with his wife and children. For freelancing, email tomfarrwriter@gmail.com.
Go to the profile of Drama Club
Go to the profile of m.