How Not To Apply To An Accelerator (part 2)

Andrew Ackerman
Published in
1 min readOct 13, 2016

This is part 2 of my “self-defense essay”. If you missed the prior installments, start here with The #EpicNovelFail

The #GroundhogDayFail
(a.k.a. “The Repeater”)

Dude, we heard you the first time.

Sometimes repetition drives length. An applicant will cover the same material and cite the same facts in response to multiple questions. As sleep deprived as we are, I guarantee that we did not forget your answer to the question immediately above. For instance, we ask what makes your solution special and, in another question, ask you to specifically drill down into your competition and how you are better. You don’t need to list your competition in both places. If you find yourself saying the same thing twice, stop, think about the questions, and put that material in the one place where it fits best.

Tip: take 2 minutes to read over the entire application before answering any questions. You can even copy the questions into a Word file and work on them offline.

Next up: The #I’mNotListeningFail



Andrew Ackerman

Serial entrepreneur, sometimes angel investor, Managing Director at @Dreamit.