Darwin, The Evolutional Origin | DREP Test Network Officially Open Source

DREP Foundation
DREP family
Published in
8 min readJan 29, 2019

At 20:00 (GMT+8) on the evening of December 28, 2018, DREP Testnet 1.0 Darwin was launched, and we announced the important performance parameters, technical breakthroughs and application fields of the Testnet 1.0.

Today DREP·Darwin will be officially open source, and the technical features and its development goals of DREP Chain can be summarized as follows:

| High scalability but more than Transaction per Second (TPS) — our goal is to make scalability no longer a bottleneck limiting the commercial adoption;

| Humanized but more than development flexibility and privacy protection — our goal is to deliver a frictionless, user-friendly blockchain service to B-end or C-end;

| Business-oriented but more than DAPPs and enterprise services, our goal is to connect all reputation data in silos on the Internet instead of simply replicating the Internet itself.

Roadmap of DREP’s Open Source

DREP has completed most of the code in the Testnet 1.0 Darwin, and subsequent functions are under development. For the existing code, there will be stricter specifications on security and code norms. DREP Dev team continues to improve code efficiency, and strives to make DREP ready for more open source content so as to add value to the community.

We will gradually open source the code in the following sequence and deliver the promises to the DREP users:

Dec. 2018: Launched DREP Testnet 1.0 Darwin

Jan. 2019: Open sourced Reputation Protocol source code and client-end source code

March 2019: Open source Smart Pipeline source code

April 2019: Open source the infrastructure source code

DREP Open Source Roadmap

For more following development and open source progress, please pay attention to our latest information.

DREP’s Technology Advantages

1- DREP Decentralized ID and Data Privacy Protection

2- Smart Contract Goes Hand in Hand with DREP Smart Pipeline

3- Characteristic Reputation Protocol

4- Highly Adaptable Cross-chain Protocol

5- Performance-oriented Underlying Performance and Compatibility

The overall architecture is as follows:

DREP's Infrastructure

1- DREP Decentralized ID and Data Privacy Protection

In the DREP ecosystem, each user has a main account and several sub-accounts. With DREP ID as a link, the reputation data and assets across different applications or platforms are connected to form a complete user reputation profiling.

In the process of generating a sub-account using the main account, DREP uses the HMAC (Hash Message Authentication Code) algorithm.

DREP Cross-chain Mechanism

Its security lies in:

| Main key control: The private key that a user generates and obtains for the sub-chain account needs to match with the private key, the authentication code and the sub-chain ID of the corresponding main account at the same time, thus greatly ensuring the security of the private key of the sub-chain account.

| One direction: Under the asymmetric encryption protection, regardless of the main chain or sub chain, the accounts on each chain cannot be reversely related, which completely guarantees the anonymity of information on the user's info on-chain.

In addition, methods including secure multi-party computing, ring signatures and other means are applied to protect user information and minimize the risk of data abuse and leakage. Merchants or other third parties need to request authorization for user data in the context of data desensitization. Users can get profits from it, and third parties can significantly reduce the cost of data collection and KYC to achieve a win-win situation.

2- Smart Contract Goes Hand in Hand with Creative Smart Pipeline

The infrastructure layer of DREP Chain supports both the common forms of EVM and WASM. Apart from Smart Contracts, DREP creatively proposes a concept — Smart Pipeline that can greatly expand data processing capabilities and functional adaptability.

Because the DREP system needs to apply different reputation algorithms to different applications, it is highly customizable. In order to reduce the threshold for developers to use, DREP creates a Smart Pipeline at the key points of block execution, and can execute each sub-chain custom code through Smart Pipeline without incurring high gas costs.

This technology is ahead of all the existing blockchains out there and supports parallel development of each sub-chain development team.

What it differs from Smart Contract:

| Automated execution: Smart Contract require users to perform transactions manually, and Smart Pipeline can automatically be executed under specific conditions.

| 0 consumption: Smart Contract needs to consume gas while Smart Pipe does not need to consume gas.

| Decentralization: Smart Contract is initiated by a single user to perform while Smart Pipeline is automatically executed by each node at the corresponding point in time.

Now, by inserting a WASM instruction at the Smart Pipeline entry, the blockchain can execute the relevant code in the appropriate location. Through WASM, it is compatible with various languages to develop various algorithms such as reputation algorithms.

3- Characteristic Reputation Protocol

The Reputation System integrates DREP’s research in many systems, such as cross-chain and DID (Decentralized Digital ID).

Companies in all industries face these pain points:

| How to improve customer/user loyalty;

| How to make a truly motivated membership system;

| How to access online credit data, obtain accurate user profiling and high-quality users.

At present, the reputation-based blockchain project is either narrow in scope and difficult to form an ecological environment, or lacks actual intergration with business scenarios and cannot contribute to the real economy. The DREP Reputation Protocol is born to solve these problems.

The Reputation System includes general Reputation Protocol, Smart Pipeline interface, reputation on-chain and settlement, reputation reward acquisition and other elements, which constitute a complete ecological closed loop. This has allowed DREP ID to link the user’s behavior with reputation, conduct comprehensive multi-site reputation evaluation and realize the real-time settlement of reputation changes.

The general Reputation Protocol is the most important guarantee to develop an ecosystem that forms a truly valuable reputation.

It has the following characteristics:

1. Convert key data of different fields of business into a standardized reputation value, record reputation changes on the blockchain according to user behavior, and achieve a reputation chain that cannot be tampered with.

2. Break existing data barriers and conduct cross-chaining of user behavior to form real-time synchronization of users’ reputation data.

3. Concentrate the user reputation of different platforms in the user’s DREP ID to form a complete user reputation profiling.

Reputation Settlement is conducted through the Smart Pipeline technology. It helps users to calculate their current reputation and the historical cumulative reputation. Long-term inactivity by the user will result in a lower value.

What can it do?

1. The Reputation Settlement system can swiftly reflect if the user is active or not, motivating users to continue to use the merchant platform and improve user retention.

2. The system provides a convenient function interface. The platform can reasonably select a settlement mechanism for its own business characteristics, so that the total reputation matches the user characteristics and platform business scenarios.

3. Merchants can analyze the multi-faceted activity of users with the total reputation evaluation, understand different aspects of users, and conduct more effective and targeted marketing.

Reputation reward is the final step in the closed loop. It helps with more precise reward distribution on applications and better motivates users’ positive behavior.

1. Diversify the rewards and discounts according to the user’s reputation profiling across different platforms;

2. Create reputation profile and digital names for users to leverage and gain more weights and benefits when they use products and services across different platforms;

3. Reputation is tied to the DID, creating an irreplaceable digital identity card.

4- Highly Adaptable Cross-chain Protocol

In order to break the data isolation, DREP adopts the isomorphic cross-chain and heterogeneous cross-chain methods based on the existing cross-chain technology.

Isomorphic cross-chain: DREP main chain and sub-chain are connected to each other through lightweight isomorphic cross-chain protocol, users can instantly see the state changes between different cross-chain platforms through the wallet.

Heterogeneous cross-chain: Distributed private key control technology can link the traditional platforms or applications on other chains to the DREP ecosystem and achieve a secure heterogeneous cross-chain, extending the application scope of the reputation agreement to multiple platforms.

DREP’s cross-chain protocol breaks through the cross-chain mindset of asset transfer, and synchronizes and migrates important data such as reputation.

5- Performance-oriented Underlying Performance and Compatibility

The DREP Chain adopts the main chain-subchain system, which improves the scalability and enhances the efficiency of the bottom layer of the blockchain without affecting security. In our Testnet 1.0 TPS competition, the TPS peak reached 12689, which is enough to prove the reliable infrastructure support for large transaction volumes. DREP effectively optimizes data layer storage to ensure high performance under high TPS, not just a fancy number.

The main chain and the sub-chain can independently handle different transactions in different scenarios, allow multiple consensus mechanisms to coexist with different data storage, improve concurrency performance, and provide compatibility support for access in different scenarios. On top of this, the sub-chain customization can be combined with the platform to minimize the access threshold.

DREP’s Future Development Goals

DREP will eventually build a decentralised system of reputation digital IDs:

| Integrate cross-chain and cross-domain protocols and achieve connection on DREP wallet

| Protect user privacy on applications and achieve data soverigh — Give back data right to data owners

| Portray comprehensive user reputation profiling for businesses and reduce communication costs

| Connect user’s online reputation identity and create their own decentralized digital ID profile

To this end, we will move forward and continue to iteratively update.

ABOUT DREP Foundation

DREP Foundation is devoted to building a performance-oriented technology infrastructure supporting high transaction capacity for an ecosystem generating valuable reputation data. Focusing on two industry pain points: lack of user adoption and low transaction throughput, DREP Foundation aims to provide highly scalable, modular blockchain architecture for deployment of a reputation protocol that any types of platforms can use.

DREP envisions a global plan to empower a wide array of platforms to have tokenized reputation ecosystem deployed on top of DREP Chain, which is secure, scalable and reputation data supportive.

Reach us on social channels

Website — www.drep.org

Telegram — https://t.me/drep_foundation

Twitter — https://twitter.com/FoundationDrep



DREP Foundation
DREP family

DREP 2.0 is the decentralized credit-data middleware based on layer-2 facilities, to be the backbone of DeFi Credit Era.