Meet Blockbate — First Internally Incubated DRApp on DREP Chain

DREP Foundation
DREP family
Published in
5 min readJun 18, 2018

Blockbate is a platform where you can debate just about anything and gain economic incentives and will be one of the first DRApps within DREP’s network.

This is Bobby the Bird from Blockbate!

Hello DREP Community!

Ever since we announced our partnership with different parties including Quarkchain and Ziggurat, our project has received much external attention.

That’s why, we wanted to show you a sneak peak of some of our future solution features, as can be seen from our first internally incubated Decentralized Reputation Application (DRApp) — Blockbate!

Meet Blockbate, a platform where you can debate just about anything and earn economic incentives from content contribution empowered by DREP’s decentralized reputation ecosystem. As a debating platform established for all, especially Blockchain researchers, crypto enthusiasts at this stage, Blockbate is the perfect place for users to discuss meaningful topics and express their constructive, accountable opinions as well as authentic ideas online. With Blockbate, we want to encourage heated discussions within civil conversations!

3 core features of Blockbate’s Reputation Mechanism

Blockbate will demonstrate three core features of our decentralized reputation mechanism: including voting mechanism, reputation value quantification and monetization using reputation tokens to incentivize good conducts on the platform. We hope that this will help the community to understand a little bit more about the future potential of the system.

* Of course, please bear in mind that these are just some, but not all the features of DREP ecosystem that we aim to provide!

Blockbate Highlights

- Voting Mechanism

The content on Blockbate gets evaluated by an upvoting/downvoting mechanism that locks in your reputation points in order to give your vote a weight. Users endorse their supporting arguments by endorsing some of their reputation points, and in return will get awarded in tokens.

How “Reputation Cooldown” works in Blockbate

Deployed to promote and identify high-quality, influential content, the voting mechanism in Blockbate adopted the concept of “Reputation Cooldown”. When users want to upvote or downvote something, they will need to lock in a certain amount of their reputation value. Hence the number of votes would be limited, and negative influence of malicious votes will be offset or mitigated, helping Blockbate effectively avoid click farming.

- User Growth Mechanism

5 color shades of Bobby Bird, indicating 5 levels of progression

Users of Blockbate undergo five levels of progression: green, blue, brown, silver and gold. The higher level you reach, the more powerful your vote becomes. In the reputation management system, not only can you track where you gain and lose your reputation points, but also you can review your reputation growth on a weekly or monthly basis, and compare yourself within the social community ranking list.

With the help of DREP reputation system, you will be given a calculated REP value (reputation value) and gain incentives of DREP Tokens depending on your behavior on our platform. The more positive contribution you make, the more your reputation value will grow, resulting in more economic rewards.

For more details of how Blockbate works, check out our latest Blockbate intro video below to find out!

Come and join us on Blockbate, show your expertise or interests in the crypto community, understand the features of DREP service layers and possibly core layer as you dive deeper.

You can see how your reputation, in this case positive platform behavior, can be rewarded. Let your voices get heard and trusted on Blockbate and understand how DREP Foundation’s reputation mechanism can benefit us at a layman level. You do not need to know about blockchain technology to benefit from decentralization and tokenization of your online reputation, Blockbate is for everyone at no extra entry level requirement!

Blockbate, MVP of DREP Network

Blockbate, as an internally incubated DRApp (Decentralized Reputation Apps), will feature part of the services that DREP provides for Internet platforms such as reputation quantifying system, upvote/ downvote mechanism, reputation endorsing mechanism, etc. All these activities are centered on reputation value and platform tokens. Users with good contribution are rewarded and further incentivized to build their good reputation portfolio.

There is more to users on Blockbate and the DRApp itself. Users are also recognized and rewarded across different platforms. Later on, Blockbate, similar as many other platforms who will join DREP Foundation’s network, will have their users in the Reputation Connectors. In the Connectors, platforms can perform target user acquisition, user filtering system, user identification, etc. to unleash and amplify the value of online reputation.

Blockbate is the MVP of DREP Foundation. With the help of DREP Foundation’s reputation system, you will own your own REP value (reputation value) and gain incentives of DREP Tokens through your behavior such as starting or participating a debate on the platform.

Debates have never been more alive and your reputation surely pays off on Blockbate!

What’s next?

Currently Blockbate is mainly open to topics related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and incoming challenges for the industry such as GDPR compliance, scalability and interoperability issues, etc. To better optimize the DRApp offering, we will launch “ Testing” and open the DRAPP beta test to 50 selected community members for feedback about user experience in exchange of DREP token awards.

Please stay tuned to the coming specific selection procedures on DREP official announcement channel!


ABOUT DREP Foundation

Founded in Singapore, early 2018, DREP Foundation is an innovative tech company that provides the decentralized solution to quantification and monetization of cross-platform online reputation. By distinguishing fake news and accounts, establishing user growth system and increasing retention rates, building the users’ reputation data sharing pool for DAPPs (Decentralized Reputation Apps), DREP Foundation has internally incubated and jointly developed 4 applications based on online reputation and content, which will be published shortly.



DREP Foundation
DREP family

DREP 2.0 is the decentralized credit-data middleware based on layer-2 facilities, to be the backbone of DeFi Credit Era.