This field has lay fallow but the crops are thriving on other parts of our land.
This weekend seven years ago Tami and I were married on the beach in Westhampton under a white tent wrapped in a…
When I grew up there were no straight lines.
She’s getting carried off to the evil witch, captured by her demon monkeys who were…
Last week a man was killed in a car crash in Uganda.
When nature wreaks destruction, element confronts element.
The woods ran up to the edge of the pond and every Spring the snow melt would reveal old trees that had…
[caption id=”” align=”aligncenter” width=”500" caption=”The Breeze”]
[caption id=”” align=”aligncenter” width=”450" caption=”Secret #8 by cris on Flickr”]
This picture was taken at dusk in early May in my bedroom. I was 17 and finishing up my final year of high…