[caption id=”” align=”aligncenter” width=”450" caption=”Sinister Night Sky by rakkasan60 on Flickr”]
[caption id=”” align=”aligncenter” width=”500" caption=”Path — West Byfleet by Matthew Cornwell”]
I know every book of mine by its smell, and I have but to put my nose between the pages to be reminded of all sorts of…
We drove from Granite Springs to Stamford in the middle of the night. You were born in the midst of…
She’s young here, not yet 20, and her future isn’t written in her face. She’s experienced sadness. Her father died when she…
A human being is part of a whole…[but] he experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as…
These young men are waving goodbye as they start the 1000 mile trek from Pittsburg to New Orleans. They’ll…
Every now and then a clear harmonic cry gave new suggestions of a tune that would someday be the only tune in the world…
Today you would be ninety-sevenif you had lived, and we would all be…