Cancellation of DroidKaigi 2020 and Keynote Live Stream on Feb 20 14:00

Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2020

This is mhidaka, Organizer of the DroidKaigi Committee.

This post is an update to the “Announcement on the Measures to be Taken for the Novel Coronavirus Infection”. We regret to announce that DroidKaigi 2020 has been officially cancelled.

The planned conference venue (Taken Feb 19, while staff members were cancelling the venue)

About Refunds

  • DroidKaigi 2020 has been cancelled.
  • There is no process that attendees will need for cancelling / refunding your ticket.

Refunds will be batch-processed around Mid-March. Please do be patient; there is an enormous amount of paper work in the process. We will keep you updated via Doorkeeper.

We have been considering a reschedule day and night, but because of the high demand of large-scale venues from Olympic-related events, we just could not find a venue that could house a 1400-attendee conference.

Live Streaming of the Keynote Session!

Cancelling the event has been rough, but with the hard work of the Committee staff, we have arranged for a live stream of the keynote session! Yey!

  • Live stream of the keynote session at Feb 20 14:00 (JST)! (in Japanese, English subtitles will be added later)
  • Subscribe to the DroidKaigi YouTube channel
We will not surrender!!

Many engineers in Japan are now working from home. We’re happy to bring this to you live, whether you planned to attend or not.
The live stream will feature an opening talk, the keynote session, and, after a short break, we’ll give some background on the cancellation and financial aspects. We’ll also follow the comments live and talk about where we’re headed.

Lastly, the situation on the novel coronavirus infection is still very unstable. If you feel unwell, please, do take it easy.
On behalf of the DroidKaigi Committee, we thank all of you who gave us kind words during these past few days. DroidKaigi 2020 has been cancelled, but we will keep moving forward with our mission — “Sharing and communicating Android technical information”.

See you at our DroidKaigi YouTube channel, on Feb 20, 14:00! Don’t forget to subscribe!




Software Engineer, tinkerer, motorcycle enthusiast, Space nerd., opinions are my own. 日本語OK