DroidKaigi Codelabs Tour — I/O’18 Codelabs

Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2018

(The original text for this article can be found here)

Hi! This is Horie1024 of the Public Relations Team.

At DroidKaigi, in the lead up towards DroidKaigi 2019, we are running various events so that people who are interested in Android technologies can participate.
The first event in this series was the DroidKaigi Codelabs Tour-I/O’18 Codelabs.
This event was held just 1 week after the DroidKaigi kickoff meeting, so even we were surprised at the speed!

DroidKaigi Codelabs Tour I/O’18 Codelabs

This event in the Codelabs Tour’s theme was a hands on with the Google I/O 2018 Codelabs.
Personally I was really happy to be able to join this event as a mentor, and I feel like my understanding of the Paging library improved along side the participants.

Its difficult to explain the atmosphere using words alone, so from here on out I’ll report with photos from the venue!

This time, the event venue was kindly provided by Oisix.daichi.

The first venue is Oisix.daichi

All the tools you need to run an Android Things Codelab.

Android Things Starter Kit & name plates

Snacks were all chosen because their names started with P.

I wonder if any of them are the correct Android P?

In order for people who were unable to join in person to enjoy the event as well, we trialed livestreaming on YouTube Live.

A few words from Shanon, and we’re ready to go!

The staff who attended either found an interesting codelab and joined in with the participants, or wandered around as a mentor and answered any questions the participants had.

Live streaming.

Hard at work

Flutter was popular.

Getting excited by using ML Kit to perform OCR (Optical Character Recognition).

All of a sudden we were given Oisix vegetable juice! Yum!

The Android Things version was old, and so the Codelab sample code didn’t work. Flashing the device to 1.0 fixed the problems.

Hello World!

[Video] The Android Things camera worked and we were delighted

Here we can see Shanon carefully assembling the starter kit.

Its a little bit fiddly…


Live streaming the build process!

Colorful lights

Playing with Android Things

Having fun

This being the first Codelabs Tour, it was a little rough at first, but as time went on everyone relaxed and it became quite a pleasant atmosphere.

Thanks to everyone who attended! We plan on holding the Codelabs Tour once a month, so we look forward to seeing you again next month.

We are also recruiting more staff as we head towards DroidKaigi 2019! If the contents of this blog look interesting to you, please subscribe, or follow the DroidKaigi Twitter account for more info!

Please look forward to the next installment!




Software Engineer, tinkerer, motorcycle enthusiast, Space nerd., opinions are my own. 日本語OK