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Droids On Roids blog
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Droids On Roids blog

Go to the profile of Droids On Roids
Droids On Roids
Digital product creators and consultants turning ideas into industry benchmarks. From concept to launch, and beyond – all under one roof.
Go to the profile of Tomasz Muter
Go to the profile of Tomasz Muter
Tomasz Muter
Co-founder of Droids On Roids - Mobile Development Software House. Tech Enthusiast and entrepreneur.
Go to the profile of Paulina Szklarska
Paulina Szklarska
Flutter GDE / Flutter & Android Developer / blogger / speaker / cat owner / travel enthusiast
Go to the profile of Mateusz Budzar
Mateusz Budzar
Android Developer @ Kangaroo / zamiensmokinapandy.pl / Piątki Na Produkcji podcast / basketball amateur / Dragon Ball fan / https://linkin.st/mateuszbudzar
Go to the profile of Karol Wrótniak
Karol Wrótniak
Android Developer @ Droids On Roids, Lead @ GDG Wrocław, Author @ Kodeco
Go to the profile of Agnieszka Mroczkowska
Agnieszka Mroczkowska
Tech writer on digital product development: collaborating with developers, QA engineers, and Scrum Masters to clarify technical and business nuances
Go to the profile of Kasia Kowalska
Go to the profile of Marta Małkowska
Marta Małkowska
Scrum Master at Droids on Roids
Go to the profile of Artyom Vlasov
Artyom Vlasov
Android Developer @ Droids On Roids / Metalhead
Go to the profile of Łukasz Kopociński
Łukasz Kopociński
Android Developer
Go to the profile of Szymon Kozak
Szymon Kozak
Android Developer @ Droids On Roids
Go to the profile of Cieszysława Tichonow
Cieszysława Tichonow
Scrum Master @ Droids On Roids
Go to the profile of Barbara Rogala
Go to the profile of Bartłomiej Osmałek
Bartłomiej Osmałek
Android Developer @ Droids On Roids
Go to the profile of Krzysztof Werner
Krzysztof Werner
Administration Manager at Droids On Roids
Go to the profile of Krzysztof Werner
Go to the profile of Maciek Jaskulski
Maciek Jaskulski
Quality Assurance Engineer at Droids On Roids
Go to the profile of Marcin Piekielny
Go to the profile of Tobiasz
iOS Developer @ Droids On Roids letSwift co-organizer and co-host