Mainnet Upgrade to Babylon+ scheduled for February 2, 2020 at block 204,800

DUNE network
Dune Network
Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2020

We are pleased to announce that, after a long phase of development and testing, the protocol upgrade of Dune Network mainnet to Babylon+ has been scheduled for block level 204,800, around February 2, 2020.

Upgrade Process

Nodes running the mainnet network of Dune should be upgraded before that date with the version of the mainnet branch on Gitlab no earlier than January 17, 2020. The git tag protocol-5.2 has been created to mark the upgrade commit, i.e. protocol 5 and revision 2.

Validators should start both the Athens and Babylon+ bakers and endorsers ( dune-baker-004-Pt24m4xi and dune-baker-005-PsBabyM1 for baking, and dune-endorser-004-Pt24m4xi and dune-endorser-005-PsBabyM1 ). Athens bakers and endorsers can be stopped in February, after the upgrade.

To get a recent copy of Dune, you can use the following commands (you need to install opam before):

git clone dune-005
cd dune-005
git checkout mainnet
git log -1

The last command should print a commit that is older than January 17, 2020 at 15:45.

make build-deps
eval $(opam env)

Then, you should kill the former node, former baker and endorser. You can then start the new node, the 2 bakers and the 2 endorsers.

Do not hesitate to contact us on Discord or Telegram to get help.

Cleanup of Non-delegated Accounts

Dune Network is a Proof-of-Stake protocol: it requires users owning tokens to get involved in the network, either by starting a baking node, or by delegating their tokens. Dune Network was initially populated using an airdrop of accounts from Tezos. It was a very nice way to allow Tezos holders interested in another use of Tezos technology to be part of the Dune Network adventure. Yet, the airdrop also created a lot of inactive accounts, whose owners are not interested in Dune, and it is now time after five months to clean up these accounts.

Starting on block level 217.088 (edited), around Feb 7, 2020 (edited), all accounts that were above 10 DUN and neither revealed (no transfer or origination done) nor delegated at the protocol upgrade to Babylon+ will suffer a slow decrease of their balance (burn) until they are delegated: the decrease is 10% every 10 cycles (a bit less than one month). Accounts decreasing under 100 DUN will be deleted. At the same date, all the non-activated accounts from Tezos ICO will be deleted.

All active Dune users should check that all their accounts are correctly delegated at the protocol upgrade.

Summary of Babylon+ Features

This upgrade is a merge of the new features developed at Origin labs for Dune Network, in particular the new Love VM, and of the Babylon and Carthage upgrades of Tezos network.

Here is a summary of the changes introduced by this upgrade:

  • First release of the Love VM. Love is a new internal language that can be used instead of Michelson. Love keeps the best parts of Michelson (strong static typing, formal semantics) but Love is higher level (a smart contract in Love is easy to audit), more efficient in storage and computation, and comes with additional features, such as the possibility to share code between contracts (libraries) or call viewers on other contracts.
  • First release of Baking Account Management features, described in a preceding post. These features allow bakers to limit the number for rolls they want to have, the possibility to delegate to them and the accounts to which transfers can be made. They can be used to decrease the risk of overdelegation, and the risk of bonds being stolen (see this recent story on Tezos).
  • Additional RPCs and commands:/dune/keys/gen?algo=ed25519|secp256k1|p256 to generate a new key pair by RPC; dune-client dune export|import keys to export/import sets of keys to/from a single file.
  • Better support for private networks. Easy input/output of network configs, protocol upgrades parameters.
  • Changes from Tezos Babylon upgrade. The most noticeable change is the deprecation of originated accounts without code, spendable or delegatable. During the upgrade, such accounts are upgraded with code to keep the same semantics. The dune-client tool is able to perform the same actions as before using compatibility code.
  • Changes from Tezos Carthage upgrade. Most of these changes are bug fixes on the Babylon upgrade.
  • Additional fixes on the Babylon upgrade. For example, balance updates are correctly generated during the update for block explorers and other tools, and empty former manager accounts are credited with 0.01 DUN to be able to perform operations on the contracts.

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DUNE network
Dune Network

A secured Web 3.0 platform designed for enterprise-grade decentralized applications.