This Week on Dune

DUNE network
Dune Network
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2019

30th November 2019


“When everything seems to be going against you remember that an airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” — Henry Ford

It has been a testing couple of weeks for everybody involved at Dune Network. While speculation will always capture the attention of a baying crowd, it has not distracted the team from our long-term vision.

Given our brief intermission last week, we’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s get Dune to it!


  • Announced just yesterday, I’d like to kick things off with the fantastic imminent arrival of Dune Metal, a browser extension which allows you to manage your accounts directly from your browser!
  • Metal lets users interact with any compatible dAPP or website with ease and simplicity! More than this though, it allows developers to concentrate on dAPP development rather than interacting with the blockchain. Metal will do the heavy lifting!
  • Dune Metal is available to beta test now! If you want to be among the first to take it for a spin, make sure you’re part of our Discord/Telegram community! Until then, more details are available here!
  • Also on the development front, progress is steamrolling ahead on the upcoming Mainnet Upgrade. With baking account management features (including over-delegation prevention tools!), imported and improved Babylon and Carthage amendments and a first version of Love VM, it’s going to be big! Read all about it, here!
  • On top of this, we’ve also let the cat out of the bag for Notarize, the first dAPP to be developed for deployment on Dune! Notarize is a dApp that allows you to notarize documents directly on the blockchain. It will be possible to check the notarized documents on chain via a node, a block explorer like DunScan or directly from the online Dune Wallet.

Media Coverage;

  • As mentioned, speculation has been rife in regards to recent events at Dune. While conspiracy theories inevitably make for exciting reading, more often than not the facts of the matter are far more mundane. Following the allegations of possible misconduct by a team member, an in-depth investigation was immediately initiated. The full report can be viewed here.
  • To summarize the facts so far; in light of allegations the team member involved was temporarily suspended. The investigation found that, a total of 1.8 mil $Dun were unaccounted for. Although the team member states that all funds were used for ecosystem development, inability to sufficiently provide evidence of this has resulted in permanent removal of the individual from all duties.
  • We understand that some questions do remain, and rest assured that as and when more details become available, we will communicate them with our community with full transparency.


  • The Garage is proud to be hosting a free three day Dune Network developer workshop, beginning this Monday! If you’re in Paris this week, and you’d like to register, there are still a couple places left! Get your name down, here!
  • Over the past couple of weeks, several of our community have requested that Dune Network have a presence on BitCoinTalk. And so, always eager to please, we have gone and dune it! Here is the link! Thank you to Hopenotlate for taking the time to produce a post in the interim (and allowed me to procrastinate on this issue until now!).
  • Also, in terms of social media presence, a massive thank you to Wandi, who has kindly established a Dune Network Weibo account! Check it out here!
  • And finally, for now, a massive thank you to every single member of our community that has supported us over the first few months of life here at Dune. A blockchain is more than a piece of technology, it is the people who use and believe in it. Without you, we simply wouldn’t be here!

Until next week, Duners!

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DUNE network
Dune Network

A secured Web 3.0 platform designed for enterprise-grade decentralized applications.