What’s new in Dune ? Part 2: Permissioned Accounts and Nodes

DUNE network
Dune Network
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2020

In our previous post, we presented a very nice feature for our public chain: a way to protect an account using a recovery account. This time, we will explore some new features we added to get more control over accounts and nodes in a Private Chain based on Dune.

Indeed, Private Chains require much more control over who can access the chain, and what account owners can do on the chain. Previous versions of Dune would either give no access, or full access in both cases. A node connected to another node would get unbounded read access to the chain data. A KYC-compliant account with some tokens could transfer them to other uncompliant accounts , or delegate the tokens to a baker to change the staking balance in a Proof-of-Authority (PoA) configuration (see Dune’s PoA documentation).

The current next version of Dune provides several ways to control how nodes can access a Private Chain:

  • Privacy by Shared Secret: this is the simplest form of access control, every node in the network has to know a shared secret to be authorized to connect to other nodes. It’s simple, but not enough if you want to be able to revoke access for compromised nodes;
  • Privacy by Closed Network: this is a more advanced form of access control, the identifier of each node must be known beforehand for a connection to succeed. Revoking a node is a bit expensive (you need to upgrade the list of authorized nodes on all the servers), but feasible;
  • Privacy by On-Chain Access Control: this is the most advanced form, the list of authorized nodes in the network is stored on-chain. External nodes can still connect to your nodes, but they will not be able to read any data. Additions and revocations are done by on-chain operations, so that the list is updated everywhere automatically.

For accounts, it is now possible to create private chains with active KYC: the administrator will then be able to control what every account can do, from revelations, credits, transfers to delegations, originations, and account management.

All these new features should make it much easier to deploy and customize a Private Chain with Dune to fit many more use cases.


We hope these new features will make your experience with Dune much easier! Don’t wait, check our documentation to use them! In our next post, Part 3, we will introduce a new tool that we are developing to ease interactions with Dune, stay duned !

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DUNE network
Dune Network

A secured Web 3.0 platform designed for enterprise-grade decentralized applications.