Monthly Report: December

Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2022

What is DxSale?

“DxSale is the largest decentralized IDO launchpad on BSC, while also supporting 8 other chains! We make it easy to mint and launch your IDO without requiring any coding knowledge, so you can focus on marketing & building your product. There are no barriers to creating an IDO, and there are many security features built in the DAO to save time and build assurance for project creators and investors.”

December was wild for all the Cryptocurrency; markets were bad overall. Despite that, DxSale still has had successful presales and implemented features.

This article is being released in January: Happy New Year!

Even if the current cryptocurrency situation is not the best, we are moving forward thanks to our community. This new year will be full of new requested features and improvements to our current products.

Vested Claim

We know how much selling pleasure can stress the well-being of a project. To protect the health of new launches and give more flexibility to projects, a vested mechanism has been enabled for investors to claim their tokens in split portions (by hours or days). This is a completely free feature, and DxSale is one of the first sites to implement it!

Partnership with HashEx

HashEx is a Blockchain and Security audit company with over five years of experience and 500+ audited contracts. They have been added to the DxSale audit trusted partners.

KYC Presales AMA changes

AMAs are a hot and often requested feature; we just had eighteen of them this month, one of the less active seasons. Now, to get your AMA scheduled, you need to 72 hours previously and have a valid KYC certificate with our verified partners. We have more details about KYC rewards and AMA details here.

URL dApp Migration

Recently, some users have been reporting issues on the main dApp. We are always listening to your problems and requests, so we are gradually migrating to our new URL: This should help with any current issues you might be experiencing on the current URLs. Keep in mind that,, are still working.

Medium articles November

DxSale fee model

Seven reasons why your IDO will fail (how to avoid them)

We are grateful for sharing 2021 with you: 2022 will be even better. The next steps on Dx will benefit everyone. Stay tuned and always remember #DYOR.

