Dynatrace vs Datadog: SaaS and SaaS on Edge deployment offerings

Amrith Raj
Dynatrace vs Datadog
3 min readMay 12, 2021
On-prem or Cloud? Photo credit: unsplash

According to a Gartner survey, by 2023, 40% of all enterprise workloads will be deployed in cloud infrastructure and platform services, up from 20% in 2020. This trend continue to indicate that the Cloud is here to stay and enterprises are gaining confidence on moving their workloads to Cloud

There is also a interesting trend where many organisations want to have the features and scale of SaaS products but want the data stored in an environment that is completely managed and controlled by them. This would usually be for security, compliance and data sovereignty reasons.

This is where software vendors are innovating such that the product works exactly the same whether it is hosted in their data centers or Cloud accounts or managed by the software vendor as a SaaS product.

Dynatrace: Managed

Dynatrace Managed is an on-premise deployment model also known on SaaS on Edge offered by Dynatrace. Dynatrace managed can be deployed on major cloud providers like AWS, Azure, GCP or even on physical servers in your data center.

You can refer their official blog, there are ready to deploy quick starts available that can be deployed in the customer VPC.

This article has more details about the various components of Dynatrace Managed.

The Dynatrace SaaS offering is hosted in these regions:

  • US West Oregon
  • US East Virginia
  • US West 3 Arizona
  • CA Central Canada
  • EU West London
  • West Europe Netherlands
  • EU West Ireland
  • EU Central Frankfurt
  • AP Sotheast Singapore
  • AP Southeast Sydney

Source: https://dynatrace.status.io/

Dynatrace locations


ActiveGate is an optional component for Dynatrace that acts sort of like a collector. It’s main function is being a proxy for OneAgent traffic, compressing it and making it easier to import data from different networks where you would only need one firewall rule instead of one for every server.

Compressing data before sending to a SaaS platform also helps in reducing egress cost.

Datadog: on-premise solution:

As of this writing, Datadog doesn’t have an on-premise solution. Datadog doesn’t seem to have a solution to reduce egress data. It is unsure if the data is compressed before sending to the SaaS platform

The Datadog SaaS offering is hosted in these regions:

  • United States(US1)
  • United States(US3)
  • United States (US5)
  • Europe(EU1)
  • United States (US1-FED)

Source: https://docs.datadoghq.com/getting_started/site/


Dynatrace comes as a SaaS hosted in a Cloud provider and also comes with an on-prem version called Dynatrace Managed. The Dynatrace Managed can also be installed on AWS, GCP and Azure. Dynatrace also offers companies to choose the location of the SaaS version between US, EU, Canda, Brazil, UK, Netherlands, Germany, Singapore and Australia. Dynatrace offers an optional ActiveGate solution that acts as a proxy that acts as a collector.

Datadog comes as a SaaS offering hosted in Cloud. Datadog is available in the US and EU. There is no on-prem solution. Datadog does not offer a proxy solution, but other alternatives like using a web proxy or using the agent as a proxy(limited to 16 agents per proxy and only on Agent v5) exist. More details are available here.

Continue Comparing:

Dynatrace vs Datadog: Installing the agents

Dynatrace vs Datadog: Basics

Dynatrace vs Datadog: Metrics out of the Box

Dynatrace vs Datadog: Monitoring — the real deal

Dynatrace vs Datadog: SaaS and On-prem deployment offerings

