Top 5 Reasons Your Online Business Needs Dzooco

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6 min readMar 10, 2022
Top 5 Reasons Online Businesses Need Dzooco

Mrs. Saro cried out in agony as she dropped the phone receiver. She had just heard another bad review from one of her customers for the umpteenth time. The customer had complained bitterly of getting her grocery package an hour after it was ordered. This was becoming a norm and it was affecting her business badly.

The painful thing was that she always found it hard to keep track of the logistic drivers she used. She had changed drivers five times in a row but still no positive outcome. And when the customers kept calling to get updates on the order, she couldn’t give details of the location of the driver or explain what was keeping them.

Mrs Saro had once considered quitting the online delivery part of her store but realized during the one month she tried it, that her financial turnover was very poor. This was because she had more people making delivery requests compared to those buying physically from the store. It was a good thing, yes, but if she kept up like this, she might find herself with little or no customers before the year runs out.

Frustrated Grocery Vendor
Source: Shutterstock

She knows word-of-mouth referral is very important for a business to thrive and the bad reviews she had been getting might impact that negatively.

She had to do something about this, but what??

With a heavy sigh, she sat down in her office, then signalled her daughter to get her phone so she could surf the net for a possible solution. Maybe a blog post talking about the best practices to manage an online store or something.

She would later go on to stumble on a Dzooco blog article and visit our website to know more.

Mrs. Saro’s problem was about to be solved.

Helping Mrs. Saro

When Dzooco’s support team got a call from Mrs. Saro enquiring about our services and app solution. We weren’t surprised because we knew many online vendors faced this exact problem and that was one of the many things we were trying to solve.

Dzooco Support Desk
Dzooco Support

Dzooco went on to assure her of a better customer experience and also explained to her the benefits she stood to gain once she signs up for the first beta version.

The whole conversation had a very excited Mrs. Saro getting off the phone, this time with a sigh of relief.

Top 5 Reasons Your Business Need Dzooco Solutions

Going In-Depth into Dzooco Merchant Solutions

From Mrs. Saro’s story, We are sure you were able to pinpoint some underlying problems she was having and relate them to your business. To make it clearer, let’s list some core reasons your business needs our solutions to help you ultimately satisfy your customers.

To Ensure Customer Satisfaction:

With the increase in smartphone ownership, faster mobile internet speeds, and evolving digital payment technology, online shopping has become more convenient for consumers.

To make your customers happy, you need to key into the e-commerce system Dzooco offers. This in turn helps you grow sales because when you retain happy customers for a long period, they put in the good word for you to other new prospects.

Many factors can cause unhappiness or dissatisfaction in your customers, e.g poor menu organization, poor packaging, slow delivery, miscommunication, lack of proper feedback. Dzooco plans to help you solve all of these with our easy-to-use features on our platform that offer your customers mobility, convenience, and trackability.

To Improve your e-market Psychology:

Your business might be lagging because you lack in-depth knowledge of how the e-commerce ecosystem works for your kind of business. Also, a lack of infrastructure and skill expertise can make you lose out in this new paradigm shift of e-commerce.

However, once you become a Dzooco merchant, you will be introduced to a support system that will help you understand different growth metrics, tools, and sales ideas to boost your market psychology.

To Boost your Business Sales:

The online sales industry is not only prominent but large. Presently, there are 7.9 million online retailers in the world and about 25 and 40 million smartphone users in Nigeria. This makes the e-commerce business very competitive yet with many untapped opportunities.

Getting new customers to know about your business is a way to boost market sales and this is assured when using our platform because it helps expose your online store to many prospective customers within and beyond your neighborhood and also builds your online presence across the web. Another amazing way your business can grow when using our platform is through the recommendation feature.

For instance, for our food vendors- when your customers are presented with a feature that includes recommendations for appetizers, desserts, and beverages right before they checkout, they are most likely to add last-minute extras to their stock cart, thereby driving more sales.

Third-Party/Website Integration:

Our platform enables you to connect your e-commerce website or social media pages to your Dzooco merchant store. That way, you get more reach and social traffic. The moment you register and activate your merchant account, you’ll be able to manage any third-party deliveries through the Merchant Portal.

This merchant portal will help you track payments, analyze business performance, and update essential details such as bank account information, and operating hours.

To avoid delivery complaints from Customers:

Online deliveries are becoming more popular than ever, and businesses need to follow suit to meet the expectations of potential customers. Of course, it can be burdensome when trying to get a dedicated delivery agent for your business.

Dzooco plans to take this burden off your hands by promptly getting you available drivers the moment you request for them. You can give feedback on driver behaviors and track their journey in real-time. Dzooco drivers also have features that help keep them accountable to prevent delays in customer deliveries.

Another way Dzooco plans to help you avoid complaints from customers is by having an app feature that enables you to inform your customers how long it will take to process a request and make recommendations for where the ordered item is not available. This way, your customers are not kept in the dark about the exact time it will take and can get real-time suggestions on orders.

Our pharmaceutical vendors are also able to give prescriptions right from the App Store.

However, it is safe to note that there is little we can control when it comes to some factors that are hugely dependent on you. Things like inadequate store supplies, poor food taste, outdated stocks, and drugs. That’s on you, but we can help you prevent issues like that by sharing tips and guidelines through our blogs and newsletter, business fairs, and seminars.

We plan to recommend only the best vendors to our consumers and we will do all we can to make sure you are one of the best.

Seriously though, imagine having all these planned out for you. Why won’t your business thrive? As promised, Dzooco will provide you with all the resources you need to boost your market sales. All you need to do is sign-up, become one of our merchants and get ready for when we launch.



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We are building a product that will empower local vendors, bring convenience to consumers, and give local drivers the opportunities to earn extra income.