Travnik (via)


Located near Vlašić, a mountain in the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the city of Travnik is a place where many travelers love to make a stop. The reason is quite simple — its famous ćevapi.

Vanja Nedić
Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2015


Ćevapi are a traditional Bosnian dish, and although the concept is the same everywhere, each region (or even city) has its own special recipe. The combination of meats, the mixture of spices, and the number of ćevapi per portion have made the ćevapi from Travnik famous.

ćevapi (via)

Whenever we are traveling through this region, we carve out our breaks so that meal break is just when we reach Travnik. Ćevabdžinice (traditional places where ćevapi are made) are everywhere, so it’s impossible to avoid them. And who would want to? Indulging in a portion of Travnik ćevapi is sometimes the highlight of my travels!

But enough about the food — I’m getting hungry here — maybe I should head back to Travnik? The city is also known for its rich history, which is why it’s usually called a ‘city-museum.’ Everywhere you look, part of the history can be seen. This was the capital for the Bosnian kings in the Middle Ages and also during the rule of the Ottoman viziers. Two 20-meter-tall clock towers from the 18th century dominate the city, along with numerous churches and mosques.

Travnik (via)

Sulejmanija, better known as ‘the Colorful Mosque’ (because of its unusual wall decorations), is a place where much of the whole country’s history can be learned simply by listening to the story of this sacral object. Because it was torn down and rebuilt so many times, the minaret ended up on the right side of the mosque, which is an exception to the rule of how Muslim places of worship are designed.

Travnik (via)

To finish up, I have to go back to food. It’s just so hard not to talk about all the great food here! Goat cheese is my all-time-favourite souvenir from Travnik. It’s strong in taste and made from the traditional recipes of Vlach nomads who came from the east and inhabit Vlašić mountain.

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