Crossplay is now available in our Open Beta for Echo VR on Quest!

Echo Games
Echo Games: Official Mission Logs
5 min readMay 12, 2020


Echo Units who own an Oculus Quest or Oculus Rift can now team up and compete for glory in zero-g together!


4v4 Public Echo Arena Matches

Following testing a little over a month ago and feedback we received from the community, public Echo Arena matches will now be 4v4 instead of 3v3. By adding in another player to each team, we believe there will be more opportunities for players to execute different plays, increase the amount of time they all have with the disc, and more.

General Updates

  • Max Lobby size is now 10.
  • Max party size is now 10.
  • Public Arena back-fill timer has been updated so players will now join matches 1 minute and 45 seconds before it ends.
  • OCE servers are now live.

Testing Resources

Comfort & Safety tools, like Ghosting and Muting, help you customize your social experience in Echo VR.

Known Issues


The level geo will disappear while in the lobby or arena, leaving the player on a black screen.

  • Temp fix — Try hitting the power button to place the headset into sleep mode and then hitting it again to wake it up. (Should allow you to continue playing)
  • Alt temp fix — Try powering the headset all the way down and then restoring it.

The game crashes when closing.

  • Temp fix The game will run slow and eventually crash if an excessive amount of browser tabs are opened while the app is running
  • Alt temp fix It is recommended for the time being to just have as few things as possible running when playing Echo VR on Quest.

Player may encounter instability issues.

  • Note — We recommend disabling Oculus experimental beta features, since they may cause a number of instability issues.


The trigger for ordnance moves farther away from hands after teleporting on Fission matches.

  • Note — Our team is working to address this in a hotfix this week or early next week.

Bug Fixes

Echo VR (General)

  • Fixed an issue where multiple Arm Computer screens would sometimes overlap.
  • Fixed an issue where player’s would not receive an Arm Computer notification when entering the lobby if the invite was sent while they were on the main menu.
  • Fixed an issue where all player’s Social Button would appear grey and become unselectable in the Arm Computer for an extended amount of time.
  • Fixed an issue where a player would sometimes be unable to search for a public match if matchmaking timed out during their previous attempt to join a match.
  • Fixed an issue where the Arm Computer matchmaking status bar would become invisible when pressing terminal buttons in a specific order.
  • Fixed an issue where the Emote sound effect would sometimes play when an emote is not selected.
  • Fixed an issue where a player’s ‘Ghost hands’ would not reflect the currently selected tint customizations.
  • Addressed an issue where the Party Leader’s friends list ‘Invite’ buttons would lose functionality after quitting from a Private match and returning to the lobby.
  • Addressed a rare issue where the party leader’s Friends List ‘Invite’ buttons would lose functionality.
  • Addressed an issue where player’s could still interact with in-game buttons while the Oculus Dashboard was up.

Echo VR Tutorials

  • Fixed an issue where the disc color was incorrect when the training dummy interacted with it.
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘VS AI’ button was not highlighted on the terminal for new players entering their first match.
  • Fixed an inconsistency issue with the text in the ‘Braking Thrusters’ tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Movement Locked’ message would be missing for players who attempted to use boost or push off of level geometry.
  • Fixed an issue where a new player who exits the ‘Arena Tutorial’ before it is completed would be placed back into the ‘Lobby Tutorial’ when re-entering the tutorials.
  • Fixed an issue where Lobby and Arena tutorial completion would not be saved when completed without a network connection.
  • Addressed an issue where players would sometimes encounter an application shutdown when selecting “Yes” multiple times in the settings menu while in the Lobby and Arena NPE levels.

Echo VR Lobby

  • Fixed an issue where the “New Customization Unlock” exclamation mark would not appear for new unlocks at the Customization terminal.
  • Fixed an issue where the “New Customization Unlock” exclamation mark would not disappear when selecting a new unlock at the Customization terminal.
  • Fixed an issue where the remote control for the Fury toy would glow blue when activated.
  • Fixed an issue where the Practice Disc would sometimes not trigger the goal effects when scored.
  • Fixed an issue where the Health Bar for Combat bodies would be visible in neutral sections of the lobby.
  • Fixed an issue where the Personal Disc would sometimes become available in the Central Hub when exiting an Arena Private match.
  • Fixed an issue where there would be an inconsistency between Tac-Mod cooldowns when swapping between Arena and Combat bodies in the Firing Range.
  • Addressed an issue where the Darts would sometimes remain attached to a surface when attempting to pull them off.

Echo Arena VS AI

  • Fixed an issue where the bots would spawn outside the spawn pods after any match transition fade out/in.
  • Fixed an issue where player ‘Global Social Control’ options where not accessible during a CO-OP match.

Echo Arena

  • Fixed an issue where the disc color would change to a specific team when they grabbed a catapult launch ring.
  • Fixed an issue where the disc color would not change back to neutral after interacting with a player’s head.
  • Fixed an issue where the disc would jitter when grabbed by a spectator while in motion.
  • Fixed an issue where the Disc could be brought into the Blue Team spawn area.

Echo Combat

  • Fixed an issue where the Team Switch and Spectate buttons would stop functioning when pressed during a fade-in after switching teams.
  • Fixed an issue where grabbing the payload with both hands would cause it to stop.
  • Fixed an issue where the recharge HUD icon would persist when attempting to activate a Tac-Mod while it was actively recharging.



Echo Games
Echo Games: Official Mission Logs

Lone Echo and Echo VR are Ready At Dawn's line up of virtual reality games featuring zero-gravity movement & full body presence.