Echo VR Community Values

Screenshot of the Echo VR Community Values Pledge

Respect Fellow Players

Treat everyone with respect and empathy so that our war, welcoming, and inclusive community can continue to grow.

Honor My Team

Honor the effort of every player by showing up as my best self, in victory and in defeat.

Commit to Fairness

Ensure everyone can have a positive and meaningful experience by refusing to cheat, use exploits, or gain unfair advantage.

Protect My Community

Speak up to defend others, and report harassment or other toxic behavior whenever I see it, to keep my community safe.

Staging Area

Screenshot of the Staging Area and the Community Value Banners in the Echo VR Lobby.

Waiting for a friend to join or need to go AFK? Fly on over to the Staging Area.

When loading in to an Echo VR Lobby, you will automatically start in the Staging Area. Only players that are in your party will be able to see and hear you from within the Staging Area, however your username will be visible on the Lobby map found in the center of the Matchmaking Terminals.

Code of Conduct

Screenshot of the Echo VR Code of Conduct poster in the Brawler’s Den of the Echo VR Lobby.

Echo VR Code of Conduct

  • No sexually explicit actions or comments.
  • No sexist, racist, or discriminatory behavior or language.
  • No harassing, bullying, or threatening others.
  • No hacking, cheating, or exploiting.
  • No unsportsmanlike conduct or trolling.
  • No promoting real-world violence or illegal activity.
  • No impersonating or defamation of Ready At Dawn or Meta employees.
  • No exposing personal player information.

A crucial component for making Echo VR a fun and welcoming place for all players is to continue to enforce the Echo VR Code of Conduct through player reports.

All reports should be sent to both our Ready At Dawn Account Admin Team ( and Oculus (via the headset reporting tool) for review.

Our Account Admin Team manually processes reports daily (except for holidays or studio closures) and responds to let Reporters (players that send in reports) know if action has been taken or if more information is needed. When submitting a report, please include the username of the player, a brief description of what happened, and any evidence you have (video, audio, screenshots, etc).

Game Admins

Lobby poster explaining the differences between Game Admins and Community Moderators.

Live moderation in Echo VR will be carried out by Game Admins who will be responsible for enforcing the Echo VR Code of Conduct. You can think of Game Admins as a “live” extension of our Account Admin Team in-game. While our Account Admin Team will still review and process email reports, Game Admins will periodically cycle through public playground lobbies and public matches (not private matches) in Echo VR to look for and act on Echo VR Code of Conduct violations. This means Game Admins can kick, ban, or suspend you from Echo VR. A Game Admin may be in a lobby or public match at any time. Game Admins are separate from Ready At Dawn Developers or Community Moderators.

Game Admins will have a special “Game Admin” Tag equipped so that you can tell them apart in-game from Developers and normal players. We have a poster in the Lobby (see above) explaining their abilities in-game and displaying their nametag should you ever need to reference it. Action will be taken against players impersonating Game Admins, as impersonation is prohibited under the Echo VR Code of Conduct.

Community Mods

  • Moderate Community Lobbies
    Ex: Combat, Casual Mature Gamers
  • Enforce Community Lobby Guidelines and can kick or ban players from the lobby that have violated the community guidelines
  • Do not have an identifying tag

Game Admins

  • Moderate Playground Lobbies and public matches
  • Enforce Echo VR Code of Conduct and suspend or permanently ban players from Echo VR for Echo VR Code of Conduct violations
  • Have an identifying Echo VR Game Admin tag

How to Record Video While in Headset

Oculus has built in tools that will allow you to record video while in headset. More detailed information on how to do this can be found here.

If you’d like to send a report to our Ready At Dawn Account Admin Team ( for Echo VR violations, you can send us a share link or attach to your recorded video to your email report. A guide on how to transfer screenshots or video from your headset can be found here.

How to send Oculus Reports on Quest/Rift

Looking to record and report toxic behavior without taking off your headset? Oculus has built in recording and reporting tools that can be easily accessed as needed. More information about these tools and how to send in a report to Oculus can be found here.

Reports and Banning FAQ

Where should player reports be sent?

All player reports should be sent to and .

What should be included in my report?

Please provide our team with the username of players you believe are violating the Echo VR Code of Conduct, along with a description of what happened, and any evidence you have (video, screenshots, audio, etc.).

Where should ban inquiries/appeals be sent?

Contact via email.

How do I know if I’ve been suspended/banned?

When logging in to Echo VR, you will receive a message letting you know your access has been restricted by Ready At Dawn. The message will include a list of your Echo VR Code of Conduct violation categories, and if applicable a time for when the suspension will end.

For additional information on your suspension or ban, contact Echo Games Account Admin Team via email at . In your email, please state your username.

Who processes reports, and when?

Our Account Admin Team tries to review and respond to emails/ appeals during working hours Monday — Friday 8am to 5pm PST. However if a report is sent on Saturday for example, our Team will respond on Monday when they’re back in the office. Please note during the holidays our studio will be closed, and it may take us longer to respond to your email.

What happens when a player is reported?

An investigation is conducted by our Team to determine if a player violated the Echo VR Code of Conduct. If we find evidence of a violation, a suspension or ban will be automatically placed on the headset of the player. Suspensions are based on violations of the Echo VR Code of Conduct, how many times a violation has occurred, the severity of the violation, and if the Reporter provided evidence of the violation.

Where can I find the Echo VR Code of Conduct?

The Code of Conduct can be found on a poster in-game in the Brawler’s Den of the Echo VR Lobby, or online here .

How long is a player suspended/banned for?

If you are suspended, you will see a message when trying to login stating your access has been restricted by Ready At Dawn, a list of your Echo VR violations, and a time for when your suspension will end.

If you have been permanently banned, you will see a message when trying to login stating your access has been restricted by Ready At Dawn and a list of your Echo VR violations. Permanent bans do not expire.

Players are suspended/banned based on the severity of the violation, the number of violations, and how many times they’ve broken the Code of Conduct. Please note: Severe violations could result in a permanent ban without a warning or another suspension being applied beforehand.

Suspensions/bans begin after our team completes their investigation. For additional information on your suspension or ban, please contact our team via email at .

How do I find out why I’ve been suspended/banned?

Send an email with your username and when you noticed the suspension to . Our Team will then respond to your email (during Monday — Friday 8am to 5pm PDT) explaining why your account was suspended/banned, what the violation was, and if applicable how long your account will be suspended.

Who will know why I’m suspended/banned?

The Account Admin Team, and you. Unless you publicly share this information, our Team keeps the reason for suspensions confidential to protect your privacy once you come back to the Echo VR community.

I share a headset, can I still be suspended/banned?

Yes. You are responsible for the actions of all accounts associated with your headset. If a friend, roommate, sibling, etc . continuously violate the Echo VR Code of Conduct, or commit a severe violation, a permanent ban will be issued.

How do I appeal a suspension/ban?

To appeal a suspension/ban, send an email to our Team at Let them know your username and that you are wanting to appeal your suspension/ban. Our Team will review your file, and then contact you to let you know if your appeal was successful or not. Repeatedly filing appeals after our team has responded to you and rejected your appeal with not help your case.

How do I appeal a Social Lobby ban by a Community Moderator?

Social Lobbies are a unique way for players to connect with other like-minded individuals in-game to socialize with. Social Lobbies are moderated by Community Moderators who have each established their own list of community rules as well as to the Echo VR Code of Conduct. Community Moderators have the ability to kick or ban players from Social Lobbies in the event a player violates their rules. If you are kicked or banned from a Social Lobby, you will need to contact the Community Moderators to appeal it via the following form here.

Social Tools

Customize your experience on first boot

Screenshot of the Social Experience Settings found in the Main Menu.

Players will now be prompted to customize their social experience the first time they boot the game to ensure comfortability during their early moments in zero-g.

Changing Lobbies

Screenshot showing how to change lobbies in Echo VR.

Looking for a quieter Lobby or different crowd? Players can now choose to move into a New Lobby via the In-Game Menu Options.

Social Control Panel

A new social control panel has been added to the Arm Computer. When clicking on a player’s name in the Arm Computer, a new panel will appear with options to mute, ghost, party, or friend that player. Currently this feature is only available on Oculus Quest.

Persistent Comfort & Safety

Ghosting and Muting will now persist until removed by a player. This means if you decide to ghost or mute someone in the Lobby and encounter them in a match, or reverse, they will remain ghosted or muted until you remove it.

Personal Bubble

Players can now set a personal bubble to give themselves the space they need to feel comfortable in zero-g. In the Menu players can adjust the distance their personal bubble spans, and if another player enters their personal bubble they will fade away.

*Please note: If you have the Personal Bubble setting turned on, it will automatically activate in between gameplay in matches (Ex: after a goal is scored).


If you find yourself in a Lobby with a rogue Echo Unit, you can now Ghost them via your Arm Computer.


If you find yourself in a loud Lobby, you now have the option to mute individual players, the entire Lobby, or yourself via your Arm Computer.

Mute Enemy Team

Matched against a team that’s too loud or rude? Players can now choose to mute the enemy team during a match.

Easier access to Ghosting/Muting

Players now have easier access to Lobby social controls on the new Arm Computer Home tab.

Change Voice Pitch

Screenshot of the Voice Modulation settings found in the Main Menu.

This social tool gives Echo Units the ability to deepen the pitch of their voice in the Echo VR Settings Menu.

Experimental VOIP Max Loudness Settings

Screenshot of Experimental VOIP Max Loudness Settings in the Main Menu.

When enabled, the feature prevents incoming audio from rising above a specified loudness level. You can activate the feature and set that level with the Voice Max Loudness Settings via the Settings tab of the Main Menu.

For more detailed information about this tool, click here.

In-Game Menu Options

Players now have new in-game options to quit an activity by hitting the “Menu” button on your controller. Players can now see their Server IP via the In-Game Menu Options.

· In Echo Arena, players can choose to Quit to Lobby, Quit to the Main Menu, or Quit Game.

· In Echo Combat, players can choose to Quit to Lobby, Quit to the Main Menu, or Quit Game.

· In the Lobby, players can choose to Quit to Main Menu or Quit Game.

This page was last updated on 6/17/2022.



Echo Games
Echo Games: Official Mission Logs

Lone Echo and Echo VR are Ready At Dawn's line up of virtual reality games featuring zero-gravity movement & full body presence.