The Echo platform now has contact analysis!

Boris Maguire
Echo Mobile
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2019

Echo Mobile has unveiled a powerful new tool in the Echo platform’s evolving data visualization toolkit: contact analysis!

These graphing tools enhance the ease with which you can visualize information and insights about your target audience, without being confined to specific surveys and without ever looking at a spreadsheet or export!

Why contact analysis?

The Echo platform helps you engage, influence, and understand your customers and beneficiaries. Meeting their needs requires continuous but efficient conversations, relationships, and information exchange.

The Echo platform is the East African leader for mobile engagement, but communication and data are half the battle. Our users requested more tools for understanding trends and insights from their data, within the platform, before downloading it to a spreadsheet or importing it to an analytics tool.

We heard you, so in the last year we added visualization tools like survey performance monitoring, NPS gauges, and dashboards; we overhauled survey response analysis, and we made charts downloadable for reporting.

Contact analysis takes you to the next level of audience understanding.

What is contact analysis?

Contact analysis is an Echo platform tool that allows you to visualize more than the results, respondents or performance of specific surveys.

You can now quickly and efficiently pull data from many surveys and conversations into a single graph, providing a detailed understanding of all your contacts, or their many cross sections, over any time frame.

How can contact analysis help my organization?

By engaging your contacts through the Echo platform, you build up data about them that is stored as fields and labels. You can now use generate and download charts and graphs that analyze that data to answer questions like…

How many contacts registered over the last 30 days?

Across all our contacts, how many visited the Nairobi branch, and how many the Kisumu branch?

What’s the gender breakdown of contacts who registered in the last 12 months?

Get started!

Gender and branches may not be relevant to you, but you have data about your contacts that can inform critical decisions for your organization. Contact analysis allows you to do this without exporting or merging anything. Here’s how!

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