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Economism: Bad Economics and the Rise of Inequality
Economism: Bad Economics and the Rise of Inequality
A history and analysis of the Economics 101 ideology and its impact on contemporary politics and society, by James Kwak. Available now from Pantheon.
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A New Economic Vision, in 27 Words

A couple of weeks ago I posted a 6,000-word essay laying out a new economic vision for the Democratic Party. It kind of vanished into the ether, although Stephen Metcalf was kind enough to say this:

How Markets Work

The Congressional Budget Office’s assessment of the Republican health care plan, as passed in the House, is out. The bottom line is that many more people will lack health coverage than under current law — 23 million by 2026 — even though the bill allows states to relax the essential health benefits…

Further Reading

One of the central themes of Economism is the idea that the competitive market model taught early in Economics 101 (the one that…

What a Little Bit of Economics Does to You

This blog post, from September 2010, discusses the snow shovels allocation problem that reappears in Chapter 2 of Economism, as well as the popularity of the Economics 101 ideology.