Migration to Medium — Should I Start Over?

dasBlog has been a really great platform over the years but it’s taken a bit to keep up with the modern web.

Ed Blankenship
1 min readSep 27, 2016


Update: I was able to put together a migration plan using the Medium APIs and was able to migrate all of the content including 301 Redirects. Really glad that all worked out!

At the same time, some really awesome platforms have come up and I have particularly enjoyed reading different posts from people on Medium. If you haven’t checked it out, it’s amazing.

Anyhow, I’ve been neglecting my blog writing for a while and would like to get back to it. I’m going to be migrating to Medium but I’m not exactly sure what I should do with all of my old blog content. Medium currently does not support migrating all the URLs, content, etc. from dasBlog. I’m completely open to suggestions so here are the options I’m thinking I have:

Ed B.



Ed Blankenship

Product Director at Akeneo | Formerly at Contentful, Algorithmia, and Microsoft in DevOps