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Education Designers
Through insightful articles, personal narratives, and innovative resources, this platform serves as a hub for instructional designers to exchange ideas, share practical experiences, and contribute to the ongoing evolution of educational practices.
Note from the editor

Dear Instructional Designers in Education, Exciting news! I’ve launched a hub just for you, where you can share insights, experiences, and shape education’s future. Dive into articles, narratives, and resources covering innovation, collaborating with SMEs, creating meaningful assessments, UDL, accessibility, inclusion, equity, and social justice. Join our inclusive community, where every voice matters. Have a story to share or insights to offer? We invite you to contribute to our platform. Contact me to explore opportunities to write for Edu Designers and be part of this dynamic community. Let’s inspire change together! - Editor, Laura J. Murphy, MFA, M.Ed.

Go to the profile of Laura J. Murphy, MFA, MEd
Laura J. Murphy, MFA, MEd
writer, educator, instructional designer, parent to a child with autism, advocate, disrupter, civil rights activist
Go to the profile of Laura J. Murphy, MFA, MEd
Laura J. Murphy, MFA, MEd
writer, educator, instructional designer, parent to a child with autism, advocate, disrupter, civil rights activist