English Lesson Beyond the Textbook: Unleashing Creativity with FIFA, and AI

How I used my former gaming experience and newfound skills in using AI to make an English lesson just a little bit more interesting.

Alex Baidun
6 min readJun 21, 2023


All pictures, except for the screenshots, were made by me using MidJourney.

Hey there, awesome reader! Buckle up, my marvelous friend, because today we’re diving into the wild and wacky world of a teacher’s unexpected tricks of the trade. I recently stumbled upon a glorious opportunity to showcase my modest teaching prowess in an open lesson slated for August.

Now, the powers that be have kindly left the class choice up to me. And guess what? I went for the gold and picked the sports class, even though their English skills were, let’s say, developing.

“Why?” very unlikely, you might ask.

Well, my dear friend, firstly, I knew I’d have a blast chatting with those sports-crazy guys. I mean, who doesn’t love the English Premier League? So, I decided to give them a taste of the real deal! Oh-la-la!

But that’s not all! It’s not just about having a jolly good time; it’s also about pushing myself to the limit. As an English teacher, I should be able to handle any challenge that comes my way. That’s why I gladly accepted the mission of taming the untamable and teaching English to the sports class. Cue the Champions League music!

Now, let me spill the beans on the first move I made.

I turned to my trusty old pal, ChatGPT, and boy, did it come through for me! I fired away my burning question: “Give me some wicked ideas for a lesson on the English Premier League!” And like a true superhero, it delivered. But wait, there’s more!

I then asked it to work its magic and adapt the lesson plan to the A1 level. And you know what? ChatGPT nailed it like a pro!

Keep moving, my brilliant reader!

Picture me sitting at my desk, ready to rock and roll with the power of MidJorney, the ultimate caffeine for the mind. Like a mad scientist delving into the depths of my gaming memories, I embarked on a quest to retrieve the hidden treasures of my past virtual adventures with FIFA by EA Sports.

It was time to unleash the magic of futbin.com and mold the lesson plan to my whims and desires.

Below are step-by-step instructions on finding the right player card and making the necessary lineup for those hearing about Futbin for the first time.

The first step is to go on futbin.com, then follow the instructions below.

Afterward, I decided to go all-out and channel my inner wizard by juggling three trusty applications: MidJourney, Futbin, and Photopea — the fantastical realm where images collide and creativity knows no bounds.

Here’s how the madness unfolded. With lightning speed, I accessed futbin.com to seek out the perfect player and his glorious top card.

Simultaneously, I dived headfirst into the enchanting realm of MidJourney, conjuring up an image that would captivate the hearts and minds of my eager students. And then, my friends, the true adventure began.

In a whirlwind of multitasking mastery and mystery, I opened two files — a mesmerizing photo from MidJourney and the sought-after image from Futbin — and with the finesse of a digital Picasso, I skillfully fused them together in the wondrous land of Photopea.

A stroke here, a paste there, and voilà!

Like a mad scientist assembling the ultimate creation, I repeated this exhilarating sequence over and over until my design was complete.

Hold on tight as the adventure continues!

Armed with an AI app and the enchantment of MidJourney, I adjusted my plan and created captivating, non-traditional flashcard images that would ignite curiosity. Let the magic unfold as we redefine English learning with creativity and AI brilliance.

Let’s see the outcome.

It is worth noting that this is just a plan.

I plan on diving into Canvas’s world and using its magical powers to create a captivating presentation that will have at least me on the edge of my seat.😊 But that’s not all, my friends. I’ve got a little weapon up my sleeve — a handout that’s currently brewing in my creative cauldron.

The idea is simmering, and sooner or later, it’ll be cooked up.

Regarding Grammarly, the part of my previous story, I have not received a response from them in over two weeks. Never mind, I will explore other opportunities.

Thank you for being with me.

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Alex Baidun

Content Creator/Ex-Teacher/Ex-Economist/Melancholy Introvert/Bhuddist/Poet/Musician/Optimist/I write about Philosophy,Adventures,Life/Catch my drift?Subscribe💜