How I Made Educational Presentation ‘Soccer Positions with EPL’ for High School Students

I made this presentation for an English lesson for a high school sports class using Canva, MidJourney, and Photopea

Alex Baidun


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Hello, dear friend! Today I’m going to share with you the final version of an English lesson for a sports class. The big day at school is just around the corner, and this time, I hope I’m arriving like a boss with my soccer presentation in hand! Remember when I teased you in one of my previous articles about an open class? Well, it’s happening, and it’s going to be interesting.

I had this wild idea of taking the old football concept from my lesson plan and giving it a magical makeover. It’s not difficult if you are a wizard, though.

➡️ Click here to read about the initial plan.

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Here’s where the real magic happened. I summoned my co-op skills like a magician summoning ancient spirits! I teamed up with Canva, MidJourney, and Photopea to make this grand plan come to life. It was like watching superheroes join forces to save the day!

First stop, MidJourney! I generated all those fantastic images to sprinkle some coffee into my lesson. Then I worked my Photoshop magic with Photopea to add extra oomph wherever needed, like a sprinkle of fairy dust on a cherry cupcake!

Next, I went on a picture-hunting adventure at the official website. If you remember, I found some real gems there! But being the perfectionist I am, I couldn’t resist giving them a little touch-up with my trusty photo editors. Once all the images were prepared, I upscaled them using a free website,

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The real mastermind behind the magic was none other than Canva. Oh, Canva, the sanctuary where all the pieces came together like a joyful jigsaw puzzle. I compiled everything there, like a maestro conducting a dazzling orchestra. I spent a significant amount of time using Canva to create the final design of my presentation, including smooth transitions and animation.

As usual, coming up with the idea and concept was the most challenging part. During the process, I kept making changes and enhancements. It took me approximately three days to complete this project.

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The objectives of the presentation

I’m going to teach my students all about soccer positions and their roles, from defenders to forwards and everything in between. I’ll be their soccer maestro, and my curious students will be my talented soccer squad. Together, we’ll conquer the soccer field with our knowledge of positions in no time.

First up, I’m going to introduce them to each position, and then it’s their turn to repeat after me, loud and proud! We’ll chant, we’ll cheer, and we’ll have a blast learning together. Get those vocal cords warmed up because, by the end of this lesson, they will be soccer position pros! My presentation is not as fast-paced as a video. Therefore, I have no trouble devoting enough time to each slide.

Screenshot of my presentation in Canva

I’m going to advise that students draw their ideal squad on paper and assign places to each member, and have them memorize any football position description. Depending on how simple it is for the kids to interpret the positions, I will either complicate or simplify the exercise.

For example, I might ask them to understand all the abbreviations; if it is difficult to recall, it will be enough to repeat after me attentively. Fortunately, my gaming background allows me to easily navigate soccer's positions, formations, and tactical elements. So I’ll surely find something to say or draw some formations and tactics on a whiteboard with a marker to illustrate their characteristics.

Ready, set, repeat after me: goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders, wingers, forwards!

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My seven elements for making the presentation:

1 — MidJourney

I began by creating all the background images of football players, stadiums, and other elements in MidJourney.

2 — Photopea

To enhance the visual quality, I used Photopea to clean up certain imperfections and blemishes, although they were rare.


For the football player cards and necessary images, I sourced them from I also captured screenshots of formations and player cards.

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4 — Pixelcut

To improve the overall image quality, I upscaled all the images using, including player cards and screenshots.

5 — ChatGPT

It played a crucial role in the initial brainstorming phase, providing valuable insights. Additionally, I used ChatGPT for final plotting and crafting player position descriptions.


6 — Canva

In Canva, I handled composition, sequencing, structure, transitions, and animations to ensure a visually engaging and coherent presentation.

7 — YouTube

Once the presentation was complete, I converted it into video format using Canva. Then, I uploaded the video to YouTube and selected suitable free music from the editor to serve as the accompaniment.



There you have it, my friends! On my Google Drive, I uploaded 62 pages in png format and one lesson plan that may and should be modified to match your requirements and class.

⬇️Here’s a link to a page where you can get them all for free:

Finally, I exported it as a video too, which is available for anyone to use. If you’re interested, you can find a link to this project in Canva below the video on YouTube.

Video Presentation
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Alex Baidun

Content Creator/Ex-Teacher/Ex-Economist/Melancholy Introvert/Bhuddist/Poet/Musician/Optimist/I write about Philosophy,Adventures,Life/Catch my drift?Subscribe💜