Effect.AI Newsletter #13

Effect Network
Effect Network
Published in
6 min readDec 13, 2018

Even if your competitor is still small in size or weak, you should take him seriously and treat him as a giant. Likewise, even if your competitor is massive in size, you shouldn’t regard yourself as a weakling. ~Jack Ma


  • NEW Feature… We’ve got you now Amazon!
  • Sneak Peek: Effect.AI, DAIA and SingularityNET Partner Up
  • Effect Ambassadors Program Update
  • Effect WorkForce Discord is NOW OPEN!
  • Worker Onboarding Tutorials Added to The Force
  • November 29th Meet-Up Recap
  • CES update


New Feature: Effect Force “Machete”
It’s no secret we want every Requestor from Amazon’s Mturk platform to join and use the Effect Force platform instead! To accomplish this we need to give those Requestors as many reasons as possible to make the switch. We already know that we can be quicker, produce higher quality and that we will have a much more robust and diverse workforce given that we are decentralized and borderless. These facts we are sure of.

We continue to add more attractive features to onboard, not only current users of Mturk and similar platforms, but also introduce brand new organizations to harness the power of the Force. This new feature, dubbed “The Machete” by the Effect.AI Dev Team is the biggest Game Changer thus far for the Effect Force platform. This feature gives any Requestor on Amazon’s Mturk the ability to seamlessly copy and paste the entire task, template and style directly to the Force! This feature allows Effect Force Requestors to build out incredibly unique and custom Tasks.

The official name of this feature is not decided yet. We ask you, the community to help with naming this awesome feature! Let’s make it attractive and exciting to all new Requestors. Below is more info on this feature from our Dev team:

This feature give Requestors to ability to create custom tasks in an isolated environment that can contain any sort of html/javascript/styling etc. These templates will be loaded in Effect Force and all the input fields that the Requestors create are automatically registered and saved. This way a Requestor can create any type of task with no limitations.

Furthermore, this new feature is 100% compatible with Amazon Mturk. This gives Requestors the possibility to copy their tasks from Amazon Mturk directly to Effect Force without having to change anything! A fully detailed Medium blog will be posted soon.

Effect WorkForce Discord is now open!

Terry our Bot- and Secret Project Specialist put together the Effect WorkForce Discord Server. The Effect WorkForce Discord allows all registered workers to communicate with each other, give platform feedback, create tickets for technical support and gain access to training and qualifying tasks.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • You can only join the Effect WorkForce channel if you have an Effect Force worker account.
  • On your profile page you can make a connection with your discord account.
  • When the connection is made, you’ll be added to the Effect.AI Discord Server
  • You will also get the “WorkForce” role on the discord server. This role gives you access to the Effect Force channels on the Effect.AI Discord Server
  • When the Effect.AI Ambassadors are chosen they get the “Ambassador” role and get access to the Effect Ambassadors channel.

Worker Onboarding Tutorials Added to The Force

To help new workers get up to speed with the Force a tutorial has been added to the registration process. The tutorial covers all the essential elements and tools, including the payout mechanism, qualification system and community channels. This will be a warm welcome for workers taking their first steps into decentralized microtasking.

Marketing & Community

Effect Ambassadors Program Update

The Effect Ambassadors Program registrations began 14 days ago. Since the opening of registrations we have had over 80 submission for individuals from 62 different countries. We are blown away at these awesome results! A first selection of Ambassadors will be announced January 3rd 2019. To register click here. For more information on the Effect Ambassadors Program please click here.

Sneak Peek: Effect.AI, DAIA and SingularityNET Partner Up

Effect.AI is excited to announce a strategic alliance partnership with DAIA and SingularityNET. As this partnership is freshly forged, we ask you to hold on for a full detailed Medium press release that will be out late next week.

DAIA (Decentralized AI Alliance) The concept behind DAIA is that, by coming together in a more formal way, the AI-meets-blockchain projects of the world will be able to create a more and more formidable ecosystem, capable of meeting the world’s AI needs in a participatory, democratic and decentralized way. DAIA is founded on the premise that making AI more decentralized, democratic and participatory is important for combating current issues such as wealth inequality and data privacy, and also for accelerating the development of AI technologies toward a broad scope of applications. Check out more on DAIA: https://medium.com/daia

SingularityNET is a full-stack AI solution powered by a decentralized protocol. SingularityNET aims to create a completely self-organizing AI network. The end goal is for the AI Agents in this autonomous network to eventually use AI to outsource work to each other and evolve together to further develop the network. Sophia, the world’s most expressive robot, is one of their first use cases. Check out more on SingularityNET: https://singularitynet.io

November 29th Meet-Up Recap

Two weeks ago today we held our first Effect.AI Meet-up at our Amsterdam HQ. With over 70 attendees and more than 600 watching live on Facebook we are proud to call it a success. The meet-up featured presentations from several members of the Effect.AI team, an AMA with the founders and an action packed networking session. You can find a link to the prerecorded live stream here and also find a feature of the event from NEO News Today here. Thanks to everyone that joined us in person and online. We are already really looking forward to the 2nd annual Effect.AI Meet-up scheduled for November 7th 2019.

CES Update

We made the commitment to focus on onboarding Requestors. We need to stay focussed on this commitment so we can deliver on our promise to have tasks on the platform for our workers. We have a responsibility towards all of you, our community, to spend our time and efforts wisely. This is why, with pain in our hearts, we have decided to cancel our presence at the CES Las Vegas 2019. We are incredibly proud to have won the ticket and thank the Dutch government and Startup Delta for the honour and support. This has not been an easy decision. But we are currently working on partnerships with potential Requestors and this process takes time and laser focus. For us, at this moment, this is more important than having the top members of our team away for a full week in Las Vegas. Don’t worry, we will definitely be attending other events if they are a good fit. Now on to tagging some Requestors! We hope to see you somewhere, sometime soon.


